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PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT entered into this Y61'-day of , <br />1975, by and between Mr. Richard L. Kennedy, hereinafter referred <br />to as Buyer, and the Civil City of South Bend, a municipal corpora- <br />tion of the State of Indiana, hereinafter referred to as City. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, the City acting through its Board of Public Works <br />legally advertised notice of sale of hereinafter described real <br />estate on June 6, 1975, and June 13, 1975; and <br />WHEREAS, the bid of Buyer was in accordance with the provi- <br />sions of the Municipal Code of the City of South Bend, Chapter 30A, <br />which establishes procedures for the disposition of real property <br />owned by the City; and <br />WHEREAS, said bid was made with the proposed use to be that of <br />conducting an electrical construction and repair business; and <br />WHEREAS, bid offer, and acceptance were made in view of the <br />proposed commercial purpose, which property is not now so zoned;, and <br />WHEREAS, Buyer desires to pursue all necessary action for said <br />,rezoning; and <br />WHEREAS, the bid of Buyer in the amount of $8,310.00, was <br />accepted as the highest and best bid for said property. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto, <br />and for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual cove- <br />nants herein contained, as follows: <br />1. City agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to buy Lot Number <br />Forty -eight (48) in the Commissioner's Subdivision of Bank Out Lots <br />numbered Eighty -Five (85) and Eighty -Six (86) of the second plat of <br />"Out Lots of the Town, now the City of South Bend, platted by the <br />State Bank of Indiana," and more commonly known as Fire Station <br />No. 4, South Bend, Indiana for the sum of Eight Thousand Three <br />Hundred and Ten Dollars ($6,310.00). <br />2. Buyer agrees to pay the purchase price in full, or in the <br />alternative agrees to the credit terms of payments not to extend <br />over a period of more than three (3) years, payable in equal quar- <br />terly installments with interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent <br />per annum, first payment to be made at closing. <br />3. Buyer agrees to diligently pursue to its conclusion the <br />rezoning of said property to C- Commercial use and to pay the costs <br />thereof, and the City agrees to execute its consent as owner to said <br />rezoning. <br />4. Buyer agrees to pay any title insurance or abstract costs <br />involved in said transaction which he may desire or request. <br />5. Buyer agrees to execute and deliver a promissory note and <br />mortgage at closing, if said property is purchased on credit. <br />6. At the time of closing and after a submission of a receipt <br />for the total purchase price (and interest) has been submitted by <br />the Controller to the Board of Public Works, the Board shall cause <br />a Quit -Claim Deed to be prepared, which deed shall be signed by the <br />Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk with the Seal of the City <br />affixed. <br />