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STAFF REPORT <br />March 25, 1976 <br />KENSINGTON FARMS ANNEXATION- -AREA PLAN COMMISSION INITIATED, 0447 -76 <br />LOCATION - north side of Kern Road approximately 900 feet west <br />of York Road. This area is known as Kensington Farms <br />Subdivision, Section Three, Part Two. <br />EXISTING ZONING OF THE SURROUNDING PROPERTY - the property to <br />the west and north are currently zoned "A" Residen- <br />tial and "A" Height and Area. The property to the <br />east and south is currently zoned "A" Residential, <br />"A" Height and Area and "R" Residential. The "R" <br />Residential is that area still in the unincorporated <br />portion of St. Joseph County. <br />EXISTING LAND USE OF THE SURROUNDING PROPERTY - the property to <br />the west, north and east is being used for single <br />family houses, and the property to the south for <br />single family houses and agricultural uses. <br />SITE PLAN - the South Bend Zoning Ordinance does not require a <br />site plan for land that is to be zoned "A" Residential. <br />Therefore, the remaining items usually discussed in <br />the Staff Report, such as drainage, parking, access, <br />etc., will not be reviewed. <br />AGENCY COMMENTS - Mr. Rollin Farrand, Director, Department of <br />Public Works, said that this annexed area is a <br />one - family residential area and should be rezoned <br />in the City as single family residential. <br />STAFF COMMENTS - this area was annexed by the Common Council on <br />June 14, 1971, and was signed by the Mayor on June <br />21, 1971. The residents of the area then took the <br />matter to court. Judge Seeley, St. Joseph Superior <br />Court, decided in favor of the City on November 21, <br />1975, making the decision effective on March 1, 1976. <br />The Area Plan Commission then initiated a petition to <br />zone the area as required by the South Bend Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />The Transportation and Land Use Plan has designated <br />this area as Residential, Low Density. The rezoning <br />and use of this property would be in conformance <br />with this recommendation. <br />