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(IIommi##rr arport - <br />(To tke (111mman Cottnrtl of iar (Ithj of #outl} #rub. <br />Your Committee of the Whole <br />to whom was referred <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 1, SECTION <br />2-10 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />1976, COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS THE STANDING COMMITTEES <br />OF THE COMMON COUNCIL BY THE ADDITION OF CITIZEN <br />MEMBERS TO SUCH COMMITTEES. <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion <br />This ordinance be recommended favorably to the Council <br />as amended. <br />Page 1, Section (b) remove "for not less than one (1) year <br />prior to appointment." The sentence should read " The <br />citizen members of the standing committees shall be <br />residents of the City of South Bend and shall continue <br />such residency as a qualification for membership. <br />Page 1, Section (c) remove "President of the Council with <br />the advice of the Council members of the standing committees <br />being considered." The sentence should read "Citizen Members <br />shall be appointed by the majority of the Common Council ". <br />Page 2, (2) Remove the word president and add member. Delete <br />next sentence. <br />Page 3, (m) add "A copy of each report should be filed with <br />the City Clerk. <br />Frank Horvath <br />Chairman <br />1....ncss 41!3S , •...... co. <br />