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<br />s/Tim Scott, 1 District s/Oliver J. Davis, 6 District
<br />nd
<br />s/Henry Davis, Jr., 2 District s/Derek D. Dieter, At Large
<br />rd
<br />s/Valerie Schey, 3 District s/Gavin Ferlic, At Large
<br />th
<br />s/Dr. Fred Ferlic, 4 District s/Karen L. White, At Large
<br />th
<br />Dr. David Varner, 5 District Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Attorney
<br />th
<br />Attest: Approved this 24 day of September, 2013
<br />s/John Voorde, City Clerk s/Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend
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<br />Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr., 5117 Idlewood Drive, South Bend, Indiana, made the
<br />presentation for this bill by first offering his comments and then reading the Resolution in its
<br />entirety and presenting it to the family of the late Seabe Gavin, Sr.
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<br />Mr. Seabe Gavin Jr. thanked the Council for this Resolution honoring his late father.
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<br />Additionally, Councilmember’s Scott, Schey, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Varner, Oliver Davis, Gavin
<br />Ferlic, White and Dieter offered their comments.
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<br />Rev. Greg Brown, 1238 Diamond, South Bend, Indiana stated that he is in favor of this
<br />resolution. He asked for the Council’s favorable consideration.
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<br />Sam Brown, Citizens United for a Better Government, P. O. Box 1976, South Bend, Indiana,
<br />stated that he is in favor of this bill. He urged the Council to adopt this Resolution.
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<br />Councilmember Scott made a motion to adopt this Resolution by acclamation. Councilmember
<br />Dieter seconded the motion which carried.
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<br />Mayor Pete Buttigieg gave an update on city activities. Mayor Pete thanked the Council for the
<br />opportunity to resume the monthly custom of addressing the Council with an update on reports
<br />of City Offices. He thanked Councilmembers who have been patiently working with him on the
<br />new protocol which they tried to establish for insuring that Council requests for information are
<br />dealt with promptly. So far on our tracker, I checked it today we’ve received 90 requests or sets
<br />of requests for specific information since we started going through this approach in May. 79 of
<br />those so far have been responded to, there is another 11 that have been routed and we are still
<br />working on getting that information. I can tell you on our end it has certainly helped us to be a
<br />little more orderly in tracking our efforts to respond to Councilmember’s requests for
<br />information and action and certainly hope your experience has been the same and look forward
<br />to working with you to refine the process to make sure that we are being as responsive as we can.
<br />One big piece of news from last week was that the transportation engineers from the design firm
<br />AECOM gave a follow up presentation on restoring two-way streets in downtown South Bend.
<br />He stated that lead engineer Ian Lockwood outlined a possible phased approach to implementing
<br />two-way streets that was the theme that they heard in some of our conversations with the
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<br />Council, so those designs concepts were discussed in detail especially when it came to the 1
<br />phase and he was really excited to see the level of refinement that had gone on with the meetings
<br />with the State Department of Transportation; MACOG; South Bend Community Schools; the
<br />Historical Society; Parks & Recreation Department and other stakeholders. He thanked
<br />Councilmembers who were able to attend one or both of the meetings or interacted in some other
<br />way with the engineers. He stated that he understands that it wasn’t possible for everyone to
<br />make it, so he wanted to remind Councilmembers and Residents that both of those presentations
<br />in their entirety are posted on line on the City website for anybody who would want to take a
<br />little time to view the videos that were relevant to that. He stated that they got in their 6 month
<br />report from 311 earlier this month. He stated that he won’t read it in its entirety but encouraged
<br />the Councilmember’s to take a look at it on the website if you have a moment and he just
<br />highlighted a few: The program is definitely fully up and running in terms of goals for the first
<br />six months though it does not yet include every city department. We now have Water Works,
<br />Streets, Sewers, Traffic & Lighting, Solid Waste, Mayor’s Office and most recently just this last
<br />month added Street Lights to that. Last month we took 12,636 calls it appears after shooting up
<br />initially the calls have more or less leveled off across the last two to three months, so we
<br />certainly expect it to grow as we plan to add more departments to the 311 protocol. The
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