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YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU: THE LONG -RANGE PLAN <br />We feel that the YSB has demonstrated a need for its services. <br />Numerous endorsements from all aspects of our community bear out. <br />this contention. The need for focusing attention on "prevention" <br />is crucial to our entire spectrum of Government, but nowhere is it <br />more evident than in delinquency work. <br />While the past five years have witnessed sufficient resources being <br />available to YSB, they have been years of uncertainty, and even today, <br />we face 1977 without knowing our funding level for the year. For this <br />reason, I would like to see 1978 as the year that YSB received a re- <br />gular appropriation of money from city tax funds. If we received <br />this appropriation we would be freed from wondering if there would be <br />a program or not and we could devote all our energy to running the <br />agency. The regular appropriation would also enable us to search for <br />supplemental funds knowing that a "matching base" exists. We would <br />also have a level of status not achieved heretofore. <br />Frankly, I think our appropriation would not have to be a large one. <br />By 1978 we should be receiving money from Title XX, the Bayh Bill <br />and per diem funds from the Department of Public Welfare. Money for <br />the four key positions now occupied by Strycker, Osthimer, Fleming <br />and Gagnon should be adequate. In addition, I also feel that County <br />Government will come to its senses by that time, particularly con- <br />sidering the excellent rapport we have made with the County Council. <br />(I£ the County is now willing to talk to the City about controlling <br />dogs, perhaps that might convince them of the need to control chil- <br />dren.!) If our money from the state keeps increasing we can expect <br />significant support from that source also. <br />