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YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU: THE REFERRAL PROCESS <br />In keeping with our promise of accessibility, we have endeavored to <br />make it as easy as practical for young persons to receive service <br />from us. We receive referrals from the following sources: <br />1. Police agencies notify us of children who are minor offenders <br />and recommend that we do the follow -up work. <br />2. The Probation Department recommends youth who would seem to <br />benefit from services adjunct to what they are currently re- <br />ceiving from their probation officer. <br />3. The Welfare department refers youngsters whose families are <br />receiving help from DPW. <br />4. Schools notify us about children exhibiting problems in the <br />schools. <br />5. Other social agencies refer clients to us because of programs <br />we have which are unique in our community. <br />6. Parents and relatives call us. <br />7. Young people themselves call to ask for assistance. <br />8. Local and National Hotlines call to refer troubled youngsters. <br />In all cases, our response is the same. We usually are able to make <br />our first contact within 24 hours; immediately if specified. We <br />charge no fee. We have no application or "red tape" for intake. We <br />are informal in our approach to the family involved. By avoiding a <br />stereotyped interrogation of the child and his family we are able to <br />elicit more information and create a much more open atmosphere in <br />which to work with the client. <br />Our counseling is primarily "out- reach ", which means that we go to <br />the client and don't require them to come to the office. This is <br />beneficial for several reasons: The client has no excuse for missing <br />an appointment, we gain a wealth of information from being able to <br />view the environment of the client, we are showing trust by seeing <br />them on their "turf ", we are making a committment of time and concern <br />for them which makes it easier to obtain the corresponding committ-nent <br />from them, and the client is comfortable and able to quickly get to <br />the heart of the problem. <br />