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Page 4 - Bureau of Sanitation Budget Line Item Explanation - 1977 <br />370.0 Other Supplies - Continued <br />This account also enables us to carry <br />out our repair activities on sewers <br />which have stopped functioning or caved <br />in. Some of the items purchased from <br />this account are catch basin frames <br />and covers, pipe connecting elbows, <br />tiles of assorted sizes (averaging $5 <br />per foot), sand and cement and brick <br />for adjusting manholes. The amount <br />of concrete we use is in a direct <br />function with the amount of paving <br />the Bureau of Streets has scheduled. <br />Since we raise all of our street sewer <br />structures, also included in these <br />supplies are backfill materials and <br />precast manholes. We believe that it <br />is also fair to assume that our ex- <br />perience with caved -in sewers will <br />become more, rather than less fre- <br />quent during the coming years. <br />430.0 Repair Parts 14,500.00 <br />(1976 - $14,500.00) <br />We use this account to purchase re- <br />pair parts from vendors for the re- <br />pairs we are able to do in- house, i.e. <br />hydraulic cylinders, pump impellers <br />cable for drag machines, forks and <br />bushings for drag machines, drive <br />chains, belts, sprockets and hose <br />for the vactor. <br />440.0 Concrete and Sewer Pipe 100,000.00 <br />510.0 Insurance 5,800.00 <br />(1976 - $5,800.00) <br />To pay premiums on our vehicle in- <br />surance for the Bureaus of Sanitation <br />and Wastewater. (This amount at the <br />present time is based on our Agent's <br />estimate) <br />530.0 Refunds, Awards & Indemnities 2,500.00 <br />(1976 - $2,500.00) <br />Because there is a $250 deductible <br />on our automobile fleet insurance, <br />this money is necessary to pay the <br />insurance company the deductible <br />on any accident which occurs. <br />