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SECTION V. Chapter 11, Article 1, Sec. 11 -1(f) is added <br />as follows: <br />(f) Notwithstanding any provision of the Unsafe <br />Building Law, the term "substantial property <br />interest" as used therein shall mean any right <br />in real estate susceptible of being affected in <br />a substantial way by actions authorized by the <br />Unsafe Building Law, including a fee or future <br />interest, life estate interest, present posses- <br />sory interest or equitable interest of a contract <br />purchaser. <br />SECTION VI. <br />as follows: <br />Chapter 11, Article 1, Sec. 11 -1(g) is added <br />(g), (1) As provided by section 17 of the Unsafe Building <br />Law a fund designated as the "Unsafe Building Fund" <br />shall be established in the operating budget of the <br />Division of Substandard Buildings. Any balance re- <br />maining at the end of any fiscal year shall be <br />carried over in the fund for the following year and <br />shall not revert to the general fund. Moneys for <br />such fund may be received from any source, including <br />appropriations by the Common Council, state or federal <br />legislative authority, and donations. <br />(2) As further provided by section 17 of the Unsafe <br />Building Law, the Commissioner of Buildings may take <br />action to transfer all or any part of any money which <br />may exist in the "building demolition, repair and <br />contingent fund" created by Indiana Code 18 -5 -5 -7 <br />(1976 Ed.) to the unsafe building fund. <br />(3) Moneys included in the unsafe building fund shall <br />be used in accordance with the provisions of section <br />17(d) of the Unsafe Building Law. <br />(4) Payment of moneys from the unsafe building fund <br />shall be made in accordance with applicable law. <br />SECTION VII. <br />Severability. <br />If any provision, section, or part of any section of this <br />ordinance is declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decla- <br />rations shall not be construed to affect any of the other provisions, <br />sections, or part of sections herein, and the remainder of the ordi- <br />nance shall not thereby be invalidated. <br />SECTION VIII. <br />This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its passage by the Common Council, approved by the Mayor and <br />legal publications. <br />IlaI signed only to provi <br />opportunity icr public <br />and Council action on t <br />.,tc <br />: ZING ? <br />r�C n APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED _ :� - 2 - <br />r of the Common Council <br />to an <br />discussion <br />ie issug., f'iLED CHICE <br />FF G 2 � q <br />Irene Gammon <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />