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12/15/77 <br />ORDINANCE NO. (p30 3 • ,? ,&) <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 8 OF CHAPTER 21 <br />OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, BY ADDING A <br />PROVISION RELATIVE TO FLOOD PLAIN REGULATIONS <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />The purpose and intent of this Ordinance is to minimize or <br />eliminate existing or potential flood hazards by placing special <br />requirements on new construction or substantial improvement to <br />structures as well as the use of land located in flood plain <br />areas having special flood hazards. <br />A study of the flood -prone areas within the corporate limits of <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana, has been completed, identifying <br />the flood plain, the floodway fringe areas of the St. Joseph <br />River, Bowman Creek, Clyde Creek, and Phillips Ditch in conjunction <br />with the National Flood Insurance Program. <br />The City must adopt amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance <br />in order to maintain its eligibility to participate in the <br />National Flood Insurance Program. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. <br />Chapter 21, Article 8, Section 21 -143 (b) of the Municipal Code <br />of the City of South Bend is amended by adding the following: <br />Section 21 -143 (b) (1) <br />If the subdivision falls within the designated flood hazard <br />area, the Planning Commission shall forward the proposal to <br />the Natural Resources Commission for their review and comment. <br />The Planning Commission shall review the proposal to assure <br />that it is consistent with the need to minimize flood hazards; <br />all public utilities and facilities are located, elevated, <br />and constructed so as to minimize or alleviate flood damage; <br />and adequate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure to <br />flood hazards the Registered Land Surveyor preparing the subdivision <br />shall certify compliance to the National Flood Insurance Program. <br />SECTION II. <br />This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its enactment, approval by the Mayor, and legal publication. <br />* words added underlined <br />Member of the Common Council <br />I siz cd cn l y f3 px oc_d s an <br />= oPcr uni'� icy _ .s: d-wc� lion <br />and Council actiofI HIM` N 9EER S OFFICE <br />* words deleted -------------------------------- <br />zING, 1-1 <br />I�Oi r. ?�'20VER <br />RE} ER ZED <br />PASSED I'— <br />.Irene Gammon <br />Cam(, MRK. $ TH BEND. IND, <br />