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COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING: <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the Committee of the Whole in the <br />Council Chambers, Monday, October 28, 1957, at 8 :25 P.M., with all members present. The meeting was called to order <br />by Councilman George W. Carr, Chairman, who presided. <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING GENERAL ORDINANCE NO. 3510 OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, SECTIONS 1 and 2 <br />THEREOF PROVIDING FOR THE REGULARION OF INTER -CITY TRUCK TRAFFIC. <br />Proponents and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard on this Ordinance. Councilman Kroll requested that the <br />Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of September 23rd, concerning the amendment to the truck ordinance. The <br />Clerk read the excerpts from. the minutes, as requested, and Councilman Kroll then stated that the Ordinance to amend <br />the Truck Ordinance was not the <br />to include items the Council directed. Councilman Kroll then moved to amend <br />the amendment to the truck Ordinance as follows: <br />Section I, paragraph (d) "From a point within the city limits to a point within the city limits:" <br />by amended to read "All tractor trailer trucks travelling from a point within the city limits to <br />a point within the city limits ". <br />AND <br />Section II, paragraph (d), line 1, "Intra -city trucks as defined in Section I (d) hereof" <br />be amended to read "Intra -city tractor trailer trucks as defined in Section I (d) hereof" <br />Councilttian Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Kroll moved that anyone who wished to speak on the amendment, as amended, be allowed to do so. Council- <br />man Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />The following opponents to the amendment were heard.; Chairman Carr having previously stated that spokesmen for <br />groups would be allowed to speak 5 minutes and individuals 2 minutes: <br />A. B. Meilstrup, spokesman for the truckers Association. <br />Ron Henrekin, Champer of Commerce and the Committee of 100, as Chief Executive Officer. <br />Jake Haas, Traffic Manager of Bendix Products. <br />Ray Crowell, Motor Carriers Association, read excerpts from a report explaining different types of trucks <br />used in South Bend and presented this report to Councilman Kroll for study by the transportation committee. <br />Scott Porter,, representing the dairies. <br />C. W. Waggoner, representing fuel oil and coal companies. <br />B. J. Tessmer, Local Manufacturers of Oxygen <br />MAurice Hall representing the moving industry. <br />Melvin Levy representing the wholesale grocers. <br />Norm Murren, President of the Teamsters Union. <br />Mr. Carr, Chairman, suggested that Mr. Murren be invited to sit in at the committee meeting to discuss the <br />amendments. <br />Proponents to the amendment were heard, as follows: <br />Clem Winkiewicz, President of the West Side Democratic Club. <br />John Sopczynski, S. Olive Street. <br />Councilman Korpal; made a motion that the amended referred to the Ordinance Committee. Councilman <br />Kroll seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />RECESS 9:59 P.M., tQ 10:00 P.M. <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FROM THE GENERAL FUND $280.00 TO OFFICE OF CITY JUDGE, <br />ACCOUNT E 216 A Travel. - Expenses - BAILIFF $200.00 AND TO OFFICE OF CITY JUDGE, <br />ACCOUNT E 216B, TRAVEL EXPENSES - PROBATION OFFICER, $80.00, ALL OF THE BUDGET <br />FOR THE CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AND DECLARING AN EXTRAORDINARY EMERGENCY. <br />Proponents and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard on this Ordinance:: Councilman Hahn made a motion that <br />