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1271 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />SEPTEMBER 23, 1957 <br />roll call vote of 9 ayes, o nays. The Ordinance was then given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of 9 ayes, <br />0 nays. <br />REPORT OF ORDINANCE COMMITTEE: <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee on Ordinances to whom was referred AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY <br />TO THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA (Lots 45, 46, 62 and 63 in HOMELAND ADDITION), Respectfully report that they have <br />examined the matter and that in their opinion it should be reported unfavorable. <br />/s/ Geo. Carr <br />/s/ W. A. Hahn Committee <br />/s/ Stanley C. Korpal <br />Councilman Tellson made a'motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Muszynski seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />(Lots, 45, 46, 62 and 63 in HOMELAND ADDITION) <br />The Or-dinance'was given third reading and lost by a roll call vote of 9 nays, 0 ayes. <br />OLD BUSINESS. <br />Councilman Glass made a motion that the report received on August 23, 1957 by the Council from the Street Department <br />relative to-cuts on Mishawaka Avenue by the Gas Company be referred to the City Engineer. Councilman Muszynski <br />seconded'fhe motion. Motion carried. <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />Councilman Muszynski moved that the City Attorney write an amendment to the present City Truck Ordinance No. 3709 to <br />include intra -city trucks. Councilman Kroll suggested that the part of the ordinance stating "trucks on wheels" <br />be changed to "all common carriers ". Councilman Carr seconded the motion. Councilman Erler asked for a roll call <br />vote. Motion carried by a roll call vote of 5 ayes, 4 nays. <br />Councilman Muszynski stated that he would have a report on Hancock Street at the next meeting. <br />Councilman Kroll stated that there were 20 or more residents in the vicinity of the 300 block South Scott Street where <br />the Laundromat Fire occurred, who are protesting the non - conforming use in a "B" Residential District. Mr. Verner <br />Lane, Building Commissioner, explained "non- conforming use ". Mr. Kroll requested Mr. Smith, City Attorney, to prepare <br />an Ordinance governing Laundromats. <br />There being no-fufther business before the Council, Councilman Hahn made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Tellson <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried and the Regular Meeting of the City Council adjourned at 9:51 P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />C <br />