<br />AUGUST 36, 1957
<br />Councilman Muszynski moved to amend V -224, Water Delinquency by striking $550.00 and inserting -0 -; Grand total by
<br />striking $114,969.00 and inserting $114,419.00. Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Muszynski moved that the Budget for the Electrical Department be approved and go to the Council favorable
<br />as amended. Councilman Tellson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Tellson moved that the Budget for the Sanitation Department be approved and go to the Council as favorable.
<br />Councilman Korpal seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Christman moved to amend U -212 Postage,-.:by striking out $120.00 and inserting $75.00; U -221 Electrical
<br />Current by striking out $150.00 and inserting $125.00; U -223 Heat, by striking out $250.00 and inserting $200.00;
<br />U- 343,Medical, 'Surgical and Dental, by striking out $1500.00 and inserting $,500.00; U -38 General Supplies by striking
<br />out $150.00 and inserting $50.00; U- 721,.Furniture arid' Fixtures; by striking.out -$ 300:00_- ,and--inserting .-: -0 -; Grand
<br />Total by striking out $14,013.14 and inserting $12,683.14.
<br />Dr. Carter, Secretary of the Board of Health,spoke to the Council and explained the necessity for retention of the
<br />items moved to be striken. There was no second to Mr. Christman's motion.
<br />Councilman Tellson moved that the Budget for the Public Health Clinic be approved and go to the Council as favorable.
<br />Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Korpal moved to amend W -11 Salary of Nurses by striking out "5 and 4,200.00" and inserting "511; W -725
<br />Office Equipment be stricken and W- 724 Motor Equipment be inserted; W -726 Other Equipment be stricken and W -725 Office
<br />Equipment be inserted. Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Tellson moved that the Budget for the Board of Health be approved and go to the Council favorable as
<br />amended. Councilman Muszynski seccn ded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilmau ,. Korpal moved that the Budget for the Office of the Tuberculosis Clinic be approved and go to the Council
<br />as favorable. Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Tellson moved that the Budget for the Office of Civil Defense be approved and go to the Council as
<br />favorable. Councilman Korpal seconded the motion. Motion carried..
<br />MR. BRUGGNER, CITY CONTROLLER, stated that as several budgetary items had been.reduced by amendment, the proposed
<br />tax rate of the corporation fund is reduced from 1.85 to 1.678. Councilman Kroll moved that the reduction of the
<br />proposed tax rate of the corporation fund be adopted. Councilman Glass seconded the motion. Motion carried, and
<br />the proposed tax�rate of the Corporation fund is reduced from 1.85 to 1.678.
<br />Councilman Korpal moved to amend S -11 Salary of Foremen by reducing the number of foremen from 7 to 6; salary of
<br />foremen by striking 35,945.00 and inserting 30,810.00; Total of Services - Personal by striking $111,932.00 and
<br />inserting $106,797.00; S -12 Special Equipment Operators by striking 26 and inserting 23, by,striking-60,840 hours
<br />and inserting 53:,,820 hours, total by- -striking 110,120.40 and inserting 97,414.20; truck and. tractor operators by
<br />striking 34 - 79,560 hours, total $134,456, and inserting 31 - 72,540 hours, total $122,592.60; Laborers by striking
<br />37 - 86,580 hours, total $138,528.00 and inserting 35 - 81,900, total $131,040.00; Sign Painters by striking 4 -9,36
<br />hours, total $14,976.00, and inserting 3-- 7,020, total $11,232.00; Total under S -12 by striking $465,496.20 and
<br />inserting $429,694.20; S -13, Extra and Overtime by striking $30,000.00 and inserting $25,000.00; Total Services
<br />Personal by striking $607,428.20 and inserting $561,491.20; Services Contractual S -264 Sealing of Streets by
<br />striking $50,000.00 and inserting $40,000.00; Total Services Contractual by striking $79,575.00 and inserting
<br />$69,575.00; Materials, S -43, Street and Alley Materials by striking $70,000.00 and inserting $65,000.00; Total
<br />Materials by striking $89,000.00 and inserting $84,000.00; Current Charges S -59, Social Security by striking
<br />$15,000.00 and inserting $14,100.00; Total Current Charges by striking $21,175.00 and inserting $20,275.00;.
<br />Properties, S -724 Motor Equipment by striking $75,000.00 and inserting $68,500.00; S -727 Fencing by striking
<br />$6,000.00 and inserting -0 -; total Properties by striking $91,800.00 and inserting $79,300.00; Grand Total Street
<br />Department by striking $948,078.20 and inserting $873,741.20. Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Korpal moved that the budget for the Street Department be approved and go to the Council favorable as
<br />amended. Councilman Hahn seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Korpal moved that the budget for the Traffic Department be approved and go to the Council as favorable.
<br />Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Mr. BRUGGNER, CITY CONTROLLER stated that with the deletion of several budgetary items in the Street Department,
<br />the proposed tax rate for the Street and Traffic Fund is reduced from .056 to -0 -. Councilman Hahn moved that the
<br />reduction of the proposed tax rate for the Street and Traffic Fund be adopted. Councilman Korpal seconded the mo-
<br />tion.. Motion carried and the proposed tax rate was reduced from .056 to -0- for the Street and Traffic Fund.
<br />Councilman Tellson moved to amend 224 Services Contractual, Water, Delinquency and 1958 Budget by striking $19,924.00
<br />and inserting -0 -.; Total Services Contractual by striking $54,899.00 and inserting $34,975.00; Grand Total by strik-
<br />ing $601,172.49 and inserting $581,248.49. Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. touficilman Tellson also moved
<br />that Item 711 should be reduced to $16,500.00 and that $15,000.00 should be spent on improvement of Rum Village
<br />Park and the balance 6f`$1;500.00 be used for other budgetary items.'- Councilman Muszynski seconded this'motior►.
<br />Mr. Bruce Hammerschmidt, Co- Chairman -of the River Clean -Up Program, spoke about the plan to clean up the St. Joseph
<br />River so that it might be used for boating activities. Mr. Ralph Newman, Park Superintendent, spoke about building
<br />` boat "landing for $15,000.00. Councilman Korpal then moved that Item 711 be left in the budget in the amount of
<br />$31,500.00, but that $15,000.00 be earmarked for building a boat landing; 415,000.00 be used for development of
<br />the picnic area in Rum Village Park and the balance of $1,500.00 be used for other budgetary items under 711.
<br />Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. Motion carried by a roll call vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays. Councilman Kroll
<br />moved that the budget for the Park Department: be approved and go tb the Council as favorable as amended. Councilmat
<br />