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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 10th, 1956 <br />Ordinance be set for public hearing on September 24th, 1956. Councilman Carr seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Q'.. QOT TITTONT <br />A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO COOPERATE WITH THE HOUSING AUTHORITY <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF <br />LOW -TRENT HOUSING PROJECTS, APPROVING A FORM OF CONTRACT ?,?ITH THE <br />HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, WITH RESPECT <br />THERETO, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION THEREOF. <br />TITHEREA.S, the Housing Authority of the City of South Bend, Indiana, (herein called the "Authority ") proposes <br />to develop and administer low rent housing projects in the City of South Bend, Indiana, (herein called the "City ") <br />the first two of which will include a total of approximately Three Hundred Fifty (350) dwelling units and will be <br />officially designated as Project IND -15 -1 and Project IND -15 -2; and said ,Authority proposes to assist in the develop- <br />ment of said projects by the issuance of its bonds; and <br />WHEREAS, the Authority has agreed to abandon the site bounded by Kemble Avenue on the East; Donald Street <br />on the South; Webster Street on the West; and Bruce Street on the North, originally acquired for the location of <br />Project IND -15 -1, and to relocate said project on a site approved by the City, which approval shall be evidenced by <br />the written statement of the Mayor of said City, or the written statement of the Chairman of the Housing Committee <br />of the Common Council of said City; and <br />WHEREAS, the Authority has agreed to enlarge the site which it now owns and which site is located between <br />Taylor and Scott Streets, South of Western Avenue in said City of South Bend, and to construct Project IND -15 -2 on a <br />site to be. located on property bounded by Monroe Street and Monroe Street extended on the North; Taylor Street on <br />the East ;,South Street extended to Chapin Street on the South, and Chaping Street on the West; and <br />WHEREAS, the Authority has agreed <br />Monroe Street and Monroe Street extended on <br />Street extended to Chapin on the South, and <br />WHEREAS, the Authority has agreed <br />site; and <br />that construction of buildings shall be located on property bounded by <br />the North, the first alley West of Taylor Street on the East; South <br />Chapin Street on the West; and <br />to construct not more than One Hundred (100) units on the above defined <br />,TgEREAS, in connection with the development_ of any additional projects said Authority first shall obtain <br />the approval of the City upon the site or sites selected for such project or projects, and which approval shall be <br />evidenced by the written statement of the Mayor of the City of South Bend, or the written statement of the Chairman <br />of the Housing Committee of the Common. Council of said City; and <br />WHEREAS, in connection with the development of the projects the Authority desires to eliminate unsafe and <br />insanitary dwelling units situated within the territorial limits of the City substantially equal in number to the <br />number of newly- constructed d- oelling units to be provided by the projects; and <br />t EREAS, the Authority has requested the City to cooperate with it and assist it in the elimination of such <br />unsafe and insanitary dwelling units; and <br />WHEREAS, there exist in the City unsafe or insanitary dwelling units to a greater number than the number of <br />new dwelling units tro be included in the projects, and it is necessary and desirable that the City should eliminate <br />such unsafe and insanitary dwelling units to protect the health, safety and morals of the inhabitants of the City; <br />and <br />T:'HEREAS, the City is willing and desires to cooperate with the Authority by furnishing, in accordance with <br />the terms of this Resolution, customary municipal services to the projects and the tenants thereof and is willing <br />and desires, in connection with the projects, to furnish, dedicate, close, pave, install, grade, re- grade, plan or <br />re -plan streets, roasts, roadways, alleys, sidewalks or other places and to plan or replan, zone or rezone areas in <br />the City in which the .project or projects may be located, and make lawful adjustments of building regulations and <br />building ordinances and to accept dedication of certain property for street purposes and to otherwise do any and all <br />things necessary or convenient to aid and cooperate in the planning, undertaking, construction or operation of the <br />projects; and <br />WHEREAS, it is necessary that the present low - income occupants of unsafe or insanitary dwelling units be <br />provided with new dwelling units at rentals thay can afford to pay; and <br />WHEREAS, the City will directly benefit from the construction of new dwelling units for families of low <br />income and from the elimination of unsafe or insanitary dwelling units within the City; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />Sectionl. That the City hereby determines that, for the purpose of aiding said Authority in its efforts <br />to eliminate unsafe and insanitary dwelling units in the City, the City shall cooperate with the Authority by <br />eliminating some of the unsafe or insanitary dwelling units within the territorial limits of the City at least equal <br />to the number of newly - constructed dwelling units to be provided by the projects (less the number of unsafe or <br />insanitary dwelling units to be eliminated from the site of the projects by the Authority during the development of <br />the projects).,_ and shall futther cooperate with the Authority by furnishing, among other things, municipal services <br />and facilities for the projects and tenants thereof and otherwise cooperate with the Authority all as more fully <br />provided in the Agreement set forth herein. <br />Section 2. That the City shall enter into a contract with the Authority substantially in the following form: <br />COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 1956, by and between The Housing Authority <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana, (herein called the "Local Authority ") and the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />(herein called the "Municipality ") WITNESSETH: <br />In consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth the parties hereto do agree as follows: <br />1. Whenever used in this Agreement: <br />(a) The term "Project" shall mean any low -rent housing hereafter developed as an entity by the <br />