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REGULAR MEETING (continued) <br />(1RT1TTT41�T('F <br />AUGUST 13TH, 1956 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING GENERAL ORDINANCE NO. 3702, OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, SECTION <br />4 THEREOF PROVIDING FOR THE RATES OF FARE, AND SECTION 29 THEREOF PROVIDING FOR MONTHLY <br />INSPECTION, ACCURATE TAXI METER PREREQUISITE TO ISSUANCE OF LICENSES, AND PROHIBITION <br />OF DRIVING OF TAXICAB WITH UNAPPROVED TAXI METER. <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Kroll made a motion that the <br />Ordinance be set for public hearing on September 10, 1956. Councilman Carr seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION <br />A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO COOPERATE WITH THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF LOW -RENT HOUSING PROJECTS, APPROVING A <br />FORM OF CONTRACT WITH THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, WITH <br />RESPECT THERETO, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION THEREOF. <br />Motion by Councilman Carr that the Resolution be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Motion seconded by Councilman <br />Erler. Motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION <br />ORDINANCE <br />WHEREAS, many building code regulations allow the use of certain materials and methods <br />of construction to the exclusion of others which are equally suitable in spite of the <br />fact that:the laws of engineering and the basic sciences recognize no geographical <br />boundaries, and, <br />WHEREAS, there have been no commonly acceptable equitable means established for evaluating <br />the suitability of materials and methods of construction to provide for whatever economic <br />benefits might be derived from the use of many materials and various manufactured products <br />because of technically discriminative code provisions, and, <br />WHEREAS, there has been no commonly, nor, generally accepted terminology for the writing of <br />building code regulations, which fact adds further confusion in the interpretation of the <br />various codes by law enforcement agencies, engineers, architects, contractors, manufacturers, <br />and the public, and, <br />WHEREAS, all elements of the building industry, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, <br />as well as the building officials and the public are cognizant of the urgent need for a code <br />unification program, which calls for the abandonment of conflicting regulations contained in <br />the multitudinous building codes now in use, and, <br />WHEREAS, this program can best be carried out by narrowing the number of building codes now <br />in use down to one of the four nationally recognized building codes, and, <br />WHEREAS,_it is the consensus of this Board of Public Works and Safety that this general <br />premise is sound and proper and that the Basic Building Code promulgated by the Building <br />Officials Conference of America, Inc., is the one of the four nationally recognized codes <br />_w4ch, in our opinion, will best serve our purpose, <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board respectfully recommend to His Honor the <br />Mayor and to the Honorable Members of the Common Council of the City of South Bend that <br />the Basic Building Code be carefully studied by a committee of all interested parties with <br />the Building Commissioner acting as Chairman, with the objectives of adapting it to our needs and <br />its being ultimately adopted as the official building code of the City of South Bend. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY <br />/s/ Irving J. Smith <br />/s/ Frank J. Bruggner <br />/s/ R. S. Andrysiak <br />Motion by Councilman Muszynski that the Resolution be accepted and placed on file. Motion seconded <br />by Councilman Kroll. Motion carried. <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3702 COMMONLY KNOWN AS "THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA" (Fences and walls) <br />The Ordinance was given third reading and lost by a roll call vote of 8 nays, l aye (Councilman Muszynski). <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />The residents of the 1900 Blmck, with their Attorney, Roger Gay, appeared before the Council protesting against the <br />damage to their properties caused by the torrential rains which have washed sand, gravel and debris from the <br />property South of them, which is in construction. They stated that the alley is in such poor condition that they <br />were unable to use their garages. Water and sand washed into their basements, tore out shrubs and ruined lawns. <br />Councilman Carr had made an inspection of this area prior to the Council Meeting and made a motion that City Engineer'i <br />Andrysiak take whatever action he could to alleviate this situation. Motion seconded by Councilman Kroll. Motion <br />Carried and Mr. Andrysiak promised to repair the alley at once. <br />OLD BUSINESS: <br />Councilman Glass asked Mr. Irving J. Smith, City Attorney, what progress had been made toward curbing the use of <br />fireworks. Mr. Smith stated that he had written for copies of Model Ordinances pertaining to fireworks and would <br />take the matter up with the Council as soon as the information was received. <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />Councilman Christman asked that action be taken by the Board of Public Works and Safety, or whatever department would <br />be responsible for the condition of the property on BQrtage Avenue, between King and Queen Streets, which has been <br />used as a dumping ground, and further stated that the property is infested with rats:. Mr. Christman then made a <br />