MARCH 24. 1952.
<br />In this latter connection, Chief of Polio Gillen had advised Mr. George Bauer, who is also
<br />representing the property owners in this matter that the only trucking firm who had been given official
<br />authority to use this street was Mercury Motorways.
<br />A list of carriers whose trucks were using this thoroughfare was included in the writer's letter
<br />of March 8th to Police Chief Gillen, a copy of which was submitted to the City Council together with a
<br />petition carrying the signatures of over 95/ of the property owners-on this street objecting to this con-
<br />dition.
<br />We have seen no improvement in this connection; in fact, more trucks of a greater number of truck-
<br />ing firms are finding this to be a "convenient " route every day. During the past week, vehic:. les of the
<br />following carriers were observed during the daylight hours on this section of Twyck.enham Drive:
<br />Trans American Freight Lines
<br />South Bend Freight Lines
<br />Tucker Freight Lines
<br />Michigan Motor Freight
<br />Shore Line Express
<br />Commercial Motor Freight
<br />Hover
<br />Independent Trucking Lines
<br />Liberty Highway Company
<br />Clemans Truck Lines
<br />Keeshin Motor Express, Inc.,
<br />Norwalk Truck Lines
<br />West Shore Express
<br />Inter -State System.
<br />There were also many large corss- country gasoline trucks from the Gulf: Standard, and Marathon Oil
<br />Companies. Other vehicles carried no visible names for indentification, and of course, much of this type
<br />of movement is after dark, which makes carrier identification difficulty.
<br />Although some temporary repairs were made to the street during the past week, this improvement will
<br />be short -lived unless something is done to eliminate unwarrented, and we believe, unnecessary violations
<br />of the residential and boulevard restrictions which should protect our neighborhood. We ask, again, that
<br />this matter be investigated and something constructive done about it.
<br />Sincerely,
<br />Donald L. Carter
<br />918 Twychenham Drive.
<br />CC- Walter Glass — Councilman
<br />Walter Eyler- City Council President.
<br />Richard Gillen- Chief of Police.
<br />Georgd Bauer- Representative of property owner.
<br />Councilman Glass made a motion that this letter be referred to the Board of Public Works and Safety. Council-
<br />man Niezgodski seconded the motion. Motion carried. Roll vote of 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. ( Councilmen Pinter and
<br />Bestle being absent).
<br />PETIT ION:
<br />r.:
<br />( Further reference see
<br />( Page 781
<br />Lot numbered two (2) as shown on the recorded
<br />plat of Bulla "and Patton's Addition to the City
<br />of South Bend, excepting therefrom a strip of
<br />land ten (10) feet in width taken off of and from
<br />the Southeasterly side thereof.
<br />Councilman Korpa`l made a motion that this petition be referred to the City Flan Commission. Councilman
<br />Hahn seconded the--motion. Motion carried. Roll call vote of 7 Ayes and 0 Nayes( Councilmen Pinter and Bestle
<br />being absent).
<br />Petition ,of John Weiss, et.a1:, for change of zoning
<br />of Lots S. 6, 7, 89 9, 10, 11, 12'and 13 in Morris
<br />Park Addition, Lots 117, 1181, 119, 187, 188 and 189
<br />in Northwest Addition second plat and parcel of unplatted
<br />ground on the north side of Kinyon Street extending east from
<br />Portage Avenue and occupied by the greenhouses of the Portage
<br />Greenhouses, Inc., from "B" Residence and "A" height and area
<br />districts to "C" Commercial and "D " Height and area district.
<br />to= wit:..
<br />A lot or parcel of land bounded by a line running as
<br />follows, VIZ: Beginning on the North line of the South Half
<br />(I of the Southwest Quarter (4) of Section Number Thirty -five
<br />(35), Twonship Number Thirty -eight (38) North, Range Number
<br />Two (2) East, at a point One Hundred and Fifty -tm (152) feet
<br />East of the Easterly line of Portage Avenue in the City of
<br />South Bend; thence running East on said North Line of said
<br />half Quarter (4) of section 361 feet, more or less, to the North-
<br />west corner of a lot conveyed to Willis W. Kinyon and Minnie E.
<br />Kinyon by Warranty Deed dated February 21st, 1919, and recorded
<br />in Deed Record 159 page 187 of the Records of said County; thence
<br />South 134.6 feet more or less, to the North line of Kinyon Street
<br />to the Easterlylineof said Portage Avenue; thence Northwesterly
<br />along said Easterly line of Portage Avenue to a point 91 feet
<br />due South of the North line of said South half of the Southwest
<br />Quarter (4) of said Section Number Thirty -five (35) said point
<br />being the -flout hwesterly corner of lot conveyed to Schuyler C. Rose
<br />by Warranty Deed, dated Mary 27th, 1918, and recorded in Deed
<br />Record 158, page 226, of the records of said County; thence East
<br />on the South line of said Rose lot, 117.15 feet to the Southeast
<br />corner thereof; thence North on the East Line of said Rose Lot 91
<br />feet to the place of beginning.
<br />( continued)
<br />