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762 <br />NOVEMBER 26TH. 1951 <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, during the year 1951 the City of South Bend floated a bond issue in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand: <br />Dollars ($500,000.00), for the purpose of repairing and resurfacing arterial streets in the city, and <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council approved said bond issue on' -the promise of the City Engineer and member of the Board <br />of Public Works and Safety that included in said project was the resurfacing of portions of Indiana Avenue, and <br />WHEREAS, at the end of the calendar year of 1951 there will remain in said fund a sum of approximately Three <br />Hundred Thousand ($300,000.00) Dollars, and <br />WHEREAS, it was not possible to let said work on Indiana Avenue to contractors due to the fact that engineering <br />plans were not completed, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved By The Common Council Of The City Of South Bend As Follows: <br />1. That the new officials of the City of South Bend who will take office on January 1, 1952, including the <br />Mayor, the City Engineer and the Board of Public Works and Safety, be urged to continue with the street repair <br />and resurfacing program for the major arterial streets in the City of South Bend and that the funds remaining <br />from baid bond issue be used for that purpose. <br />2. That the newB_oard of Public Works and Safety as constituted after January 1, 1952, direct that immediate <br />steps be taken to prepare the necessary engineering plans for the resurfacing of portions of Indiana Avenue, <br />and that the work based on said engineering plans be done as expeditiously as possible. <br />Submitted to the Common ;Council of the City of South Bend on this 26th day of November, 1951. <br />ALBERT TELLSON <br />Member of the Common Council <br />TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS 'OF THE''l:COMMON,COUNCIL OF THE CITY.OF SOUTH BEND: <br />I have approved and subscribed to the above and foregoing Resolution after some hesitation and with definite <br />reservations. <br />This Resolution makes certain suggestions to the New City Administration which will take office January 1, 1952. <br />This I consider inappropriate. The Resolution further emphasizes engineering plans for the': "Resurfacing.of <br />portions of Indiana Avenue" which I believe to be too vague and does not contemplate the full engineering plans <br />for that particular highway. It does not refer to the 7Ast and West Sample Street proposed improvements, in <br />my opinion being the prime project, although, as I mentioned in the foregoing, such suggestion is not timely. <br />In addition to Sample Street and the proposals for Indiana Avenue there are other arterial highways such as <br />LaPorte Avenue which are of prime importance. <br />They:_- planning and t4ie fulfilment of the program, as engineered, has had no political implications. <br />RAS:em <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />GEO. A. SCHOCK <br />MAYOR <br />Mr. Harold G. Wheeler, General Yard Master of the New York Central Railroad, informed the Council that the rail - <br />road's plan to repair the Olive and Sample Street crossing was stopped by the Mayor. Mr. Frederick K. Baer, City <br />Attorney, informed Mr. Wheeler that your railroad as of this moment has the authority of the Board of Public Works <br />and Safety to commence this repair and complete it within the next sixty days. <br />Councilmen Muszynski -and Korpal informed Mr. 1�heeler of complaints received during peak hours at Olive and Sample, <br />Ford and Walnut Street crossings. <br />Councilman Erler made a motion that the New York Central railroad commence this repair within sixty days as per <br />specifications furnished by the City Engineer. Councilman Korpal seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />There being no further business before the Council, Councilman Erler made a motion to adjourn, which motion was <br />seconded by Councilman Korpal. Motion carried, and Council adjourned at 9:40 P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />CLERK <br />APPROVED: <br />PRE DENT <br />