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REGULAR.MEETING SEPTEMBER 24TH, 1951 <br />Petitioner further states that it has attached hereto a form of ordinance for the convenience, use and approval <br />of the Common Council of the City of South Bend. <br />WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, accept <br />and act favorably upon its said petition and that the property herein described be, by proper ordinance, duly <br />passed and legallypublished, changed from "C" Commercial and D Height and Area Districts" to "A Residence and A <br />Height and Area Districts. <br />JACKSON CORPORATION, Petitioner <br />By Voor, Jackson, Grant & McMichael <br />Attorneys for Petitioner <br />William E. Voor <br />Councilman Tellson made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman Glass <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />PE TI TION <br />TO: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />The undersigned, The First Bank and Trust Company of South Bend, as Trustee, Petitioner herein by its attorney, <br />William E. Voor, respectfully represents and states to your honorable body: <br />Petitioner is the record owner of the following described real estate situate in St. Joseph County, State of <br />Indiana, to -wit: <br />The Northwest One-quarter (4) of Section Number Thirt (30), Township <br />Number Thirty -seven (37) North, Range Number Three (3 East; <br />Also, a tract of land in Sections Numbered Nineteen (19), and Thirty <br />(30), Township Number Thirty -seven (37) North, Range Number Three (3) <br />East containing Twenty -nine and Seventy -three Hundredths (29.73) acres, <br />more or less, bounded by a line running as follows; viz: Beginning at <br />the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter O) of said Section Number <br />Nineteen (19); thence North Two Hundred Ninety -one and Six Tenths (291.6') <br />feet; thence East Five Hundred Seventy -two (5721) feet; thence South Two <br />Thousand Two Hundred Sixty -two and Nine Tenths (2,262.91) feet; thence <br />West Five Hundred Seventy -two (5721) feet; thence North One Thousand Nine <br />Hundred Seventy -one (1,971') feet to the place of beginning, being Lots <br />Numbered Four (4), Five (5), Six (6) and Ten and Nine Hundredths (10.09) <br />acres off of the West side of Lot Numbered Three (3) , as shown on the <br />Plat of the Commissioners filed in the cause of Sarah Denslow vs Robert <br />G. Denslow, et al, a transcript of which plat and partition is recorded <br />in Deed Record 60, Pages 338 to 343, inclusive; <br />Containing in all One Hundred Ninety' (190) acres, more or less; <br />Said real estate was duly annexed to the City of South Bend, Indiana, pursuant to Ordinance Number 3828, adopted <br />by the Common Council of said City on the 23rd day of July, 1951. <br />Petitioner J*s prepared'a Plat covering all of the above described real estate, which Plat has been tentatively <br />approved by the City Plan Commission of the City of South Bend, Indiana; a copy of which Plat is attached hereto <br />and made a part hereof. <br />Petitioner requests that all of the above described real estate be located in "B" Residence Use District and in <br />"B" Height and Area District, except the following described tract of land, designated on said Plat as "Commercial <br />Area, ", to merit: <br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter (4) of Section <br />Thirty (30), Township Thirty -seven (37) North, Range Three (3) East, thence' <br />East along the South line of the said Northwest quarter (j) of Section Thirty <br />(30) a distance of One Thousand Ninety -seven and Nine Tenths (1097.9') feet, <br />thence North, at an angle of Ninety degrees (900) to the left a distance of <br />Forty (401)-feet, to the Point of Curvature of -a curve to the left, having a <br />radius of Three Hundred Ninety and Seventy -six Hundredths (390.761) feet and <br />an interior angle of Twenty (200) degrees, Fifty -four (54) Minutes and Thirty <br />(30) Seconds, thence along said curve to the left, an are distance of One <br />Hundred Forty -two and Six Tenths (142.6) feet to the point of Tangency of <br />said curve, thence along the tangent of said curve produced, a distance of <br />Four Hundred Sixty -six and Eighty -five Hundredths (466.851) feet, thence <br />Westerly, at an angle of Ninety (906) degrees to the left, a distance of <br />Thirty -eight and Thirty -three Hundredths (38.331) feet to the Point of <br />Curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of One Thousand Two <br />Hundred Forty and Ninety -seven Hundredths (1240.971) feet and an interior <br />angle of Twenty -one (210) degrees, thence along said curve to the right, <br />an are distance of Four Hundred Fifty -four and Eighty -four Hundredths <br />(454.841) feet to the Point of Tangency of said curve to the right, <br />thence West along the tangent of said curve to the right produced, a <br />distance of Four-Hundred Twenty -five (425) feet, to the West line of <br />Section Thirty (30), thence South along the West line of said Section <br />Thirty (30), a distance of Five Hundred Twenty -one and Two Tenths <br />(521.21) feet to the place of beginning, <br />which tract Petitioner located in "C" Commercial Use District and in "D" Height and Area District. <br />Petitioner has attached hereto a form of Ordinance for the convenience, use and approval of the Common Council of <br />the City of South Bend. <br />WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, accept and <br />act favorable upon its said petition, and that the above described real estate be zoned as herein requested. <br />THE FIRST BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, AS TRUSTEE, PETITIONER. <br />By: William E. Voor, Attorney for Petitioner <br />Councilman Tellson made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman Korpal <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />