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744 <br />REGULAR MEEETING <br />REPORT OF THE COTNMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred "An Ordinance fixing the Tax Levy for the year 1952 for the <br />Municipal Civil City of South Bend, Indiana ". <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion that the General Fund levy be <br />reduced from $1.24 to $1.19, and that the total Municipal Maintenance Fund be changed from $1.587 to $1.537, and <br />that the total Municipal Tax Rate be chanbed from $1.803 to $1.753, unless specific additional reductions be made <br />before the conclusion of this meeting, and that the ordinance as amended be reported to the Council favorable. <br />STANLEY C. KORPAL, Chairman <br />Councilman Kemper made a motion that the report be accepted. Councilman Bestle seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 3841 (AS AMENDED) <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING <br />THE EXPENSES OF ALL BUDGET - OPERATED DEPARTMENTS OF THE CIVIL <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING <br />JANUARY 1, 1952, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1952, INCLUDING <br />DEPARTMENTS, FUNDS AND COMMISSIONS FOR WHICH MONEY IS <br />APPROPRIATED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FROM FUNDS OTHER THAN THE <br />GENERAL FUNDS OF SAID CITY, TO-WIT: STREET, TRAFFIC AND PARK <br />DEPARTMENTS, FIREMEN'S PENSION AND POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUNDS, <br />AND THE CITY PLAN COMMISSION: PROVIDING THAT SUCH APPROPRIATIONS <br />SHALL INCLUDE ALL OUTSTANDING CLAIMS AND OBLIGATIONS: FIXING <br />THE SALARIES OF ALL CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES, REPEALING ALL <br />ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH: <br />PROVI "DING A TIME 71HEN THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT. <br />The ordinance was given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of 8 ayes - 0 nays. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 3842 (AS AMENDED) <br />AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1952 <br />FOR THE MUNICIPAL CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />The ordinance was given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of 8 ayes - 0 nays. <br />,f <br />There being no further business before the Council, Councilman Muszynski made a motion to adjourn, which motion <br />was seconded by Councilman Tellson. Motion carried, and Council adjourned at 11:.30 P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />zs�,. . <br />CLE <br />G <br />APPROVED: <br />PRESIDENT <br />