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A lot or parcel of land situated in the Northeast Quarter of Section No. <br />Eighteen (18) Township No. Thirty -seven (37) North Range Three (3) East <br />as follows: Beginning at a point Fourteen (14) feet West of the Southwest <br />Quarter of Lot Numbered Thirty -six (36) as shown on the recorded plat of <br />Ed. N. Shank's Second Addition to the Town of River Park now a part of the <br />City of South Bend; thence running North at right angle with the Southern <br />boundary line of Lot Numbered Thirty -six (36) aforesaid and parallel with <br />the West side of Lots 31, 32, 33, $4, 35 and 36 of said sub- division a <br />distance of Ninety -six (96) feet; thence South at right angle a distance <br />of Three Hundred Four (304) feet; thence East at right angle to the place <br />of beginning. <br />This petition is hereby presented for the above classification change to light industrial use for the purpose <br />of constructing on a part of the reat estate a large warehouse. <br />(Signed) WILBERT G. KOPS <br />" FRED Co KOPS <br />" FLORENCE C. KOPS <br />J. Clifford Potts <br />ttorney for FRitioners <br />Councilman Niezgodski made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman <br />Kemper seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />PET._ ITION <br />TO: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />Petitioner,, Irving Sklare, by his attorneys, Voor, Jackson, Grant & McMichael, respectfully petition that <br />Ordinance No. 3702, adopted by the Common Council on the 13th day of June, 1-949, and commonly known as the <br />Zoning-Ordinance, be amended as follows, to wit: <br />That the property situate in the City of South Bend, Indiana, and described as follows, to -wit; <br />Lot Numbered Ten (10) to Twenty -six (26), both inclusive, and <br />Lots Numbered Fifty -five (55) to Sixty -two (62), both inclusive, <br />all in East -Lawn Addition to the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />according to the recorded plat thereof. <br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot Numbered Sixteen (16) <br />of East -Lawn Addition to the City of South Bend, Indiana, according <br />to the recorded plat thereof, thence Easterly along the South line <br />of Jefferson Boulevard a distance of approximately One Thousand <br />Three Hundred Thirty -seven and five tenths (1337.5) feet; thence <br />South to the North line of the Grand Trunk & Western Railroad <br />right-of-way; thence Westerly along the North line of said Grand <br />Trunk & western Railroad right -of way a distance of approximately <br />One Thousand Three Hundred Thirty -seven and five tenths (1337.5) <br />feet; thence North to the point or place of beginning. <br />be changed from. "A" Residence and A Height and Area Districts" to "B" Residence and B Height and Area Districts. <br />- 'Petitioner further states that he is the owner of a certain option to purchase said above - described property <br />from each of the several title holders thereof. <br />Petitioner further states that he has attached hereto a form of ordinance for the convenience, use and approval <br />of the Common Council of the City of South Bend. <br />THEREFORE, petitioner respectfully requests that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, accept <br />and act favorably upon his said petition and that the property herein described be, by proper ordinance, duly <br />passed and legall--published, changed from "A Residence and A Height and -Area 3istriets" to "B Residence and <br />B Height and Area 'Districts ". - <br />IRVING SKLARE, Petitioner <br />By Voor, Jackson, Grant & McMichael <br />Attorneys for Petitioner <br />William E. Voor <br />Councilman Tellson made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman, <br />Muszynski, seconded the motion. Motion carri ad. ` <br />REPCRT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br />To-the Common Council of the 'City of South Bendx <br />November 14, 1949 <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred "An Ordinance reducing certain items in the 1949 South Bend, <br />Indiana, Municipal Civil City Budget in certain departments and offices thersof,.and reapp ropriating said <br />reduced sums to certain other budgetary items of the 1949 Municipal Civil City Budget of South Bend, Indiana, <br />and declaring an extraordinary emergency ". <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion this ordinance should go to <br />the Council as- favorable. <br />STANLEY 0. KORPAL, Chairman <br />Councilman Niezgodski made a motion that the report be accepted. Councilman Kemper seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF CITY PLAN CONWISSION <br />To the Common Council <br />City of South Bend, Ind. November 4, 1949 <br />Gentlemens <br />Petition of Frank and Marcella Toth for change of zoning of Lots #1, 2 and 3 in Mayr's LaPorte Ave. Addition <br />from B residence and A height and area districts to D light industrial and 9 height and area district was is <br />public hearing-before the City Plan Commission November 3, 19499 <br />