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MEETING OCTOBER 24TH, 1949 <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in regular session in the <br />Council Chamber, Monday, October 24th, 1949, at 8:.10 P.M. with all members present. President Erler presided <br />at the meeting. <br />REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MINUTES <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee on the inspection and supervision of the minutes, would respectfully report that they have <br />inspected the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council and found them correct. They therefore recommend <br />that the same be approved. <br />Regular Meeting: October 10th, 1949. <br />Councilman Glass made a motion that the report be accepted. <br />carried. <br />PETITION <br />Tor The City Planning Commission <br />City Hall <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Gentlemen: <br />WALTER 0. ERLER) Committee <br />ALBERT TELLSON ) <br />Councilman Bestle seconded the motion. Motion <br />We, the undersigned, Albert E. Tellson and Gladys Tellson, are the owners of the dwelling located at 1201 <br />Diamond Avenue in °the City of South Bend, Indiana.• <br />We would like•to make a dual dwelling out of said home and request the same be changed from "A" Residential <br />District and *A" Height and Area to "A -l't Residential District and "A" Height and Area. <br />(Signed) ALBERT Be TELLSON <br />GLADYS TELLSON <br />Councilman Glass made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman Kemper <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />PETITION <br />STATE OF INDIANA } SS. <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND ) <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE 'REZONING OF PART OF AN AREA <br />BOUNDED BY ELWOOD AVENUE, PORTAGE AVENUE, NEW YORK <br />CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY RIGBT -OF -WAY AND LAND OF <br />DREWRYS LIMITED U S A INC. <br />PORTAGE REALTY CORPORATION alleges: <br />BEFORE THE PLAN COMMISSION <br />1. `"1t is the owner in fee simple of a tradt containing approximately nine and one -half (9Q) acres, which is <br />bounded on the North by Elwood Avenue, on the Northeast by Portage Avenue, on the Southeast by the New York <br />Central Railroad Companyts right-of-way and on the west by land owned by Drewiys Limited U S A Inc. <br />2. That part of said area bounded by Elwood Avenue, Portage Avenue, said right-of-way line and a line parallel <br />to the Southwesterly line of Portage Avenue and distant Southwesterly one hundred fifty (150) feet therefrom is <br />presently zoned as "C" Use District and "D't height and Area District. <br />30 The remainder/6f the area referred to in paragraph 1 is presently zoned "A" Use District and "A" Height and <br />Area District, such particular part being that bounded by a line running as follows: <br />Commencing at a point on the South line of Elwood Avenue, three hundred <br />sixty -three and four tenths (363.4) feet West of the intersection of <br />that line with the Southwesterly line of Portage Avenue; thence East <br />to a point of intersections of the South line of Elwood Avenue with a <br />line parallel to and•distant Southwesterly one hundred fifty (150) feet <br />from said Southwesterly line of Portage Avenue; thence Southeasterly <br />parallel to said Southwesterly line of Portage to the Northwesterly <br />line of the right-of-way of the New York Central Railroad Company; <br />thence Southwesterly along said Northwesterly line of said right -of -way <br />to a point one thousand sixty -three and seven tenths (1063.7) feet from <br />the intersection of the Southwesterly line of Portage Avenue and said <br />Northwesterly line of said right -of -way; thence North one thousand one <br />hundred eighty -four and seventeen hundredths (1184.17) feet to the place <br />of beginning. <br />4. The area described in para5raph 3 has been for many years and vaoant and is wholly unproductive <br />both to petitioner and to the ity of South Bend. Its best use both from the standpoint of the interests of <br />petitio'Yand of the public is clearly not that comprehended rec ncie 'Lin the present soning classificati <br />of a.A" use District and "A" Height and Area District. <br />5. Petitioner proposed to develop the- -area referred to in paragraph 3 as a rental housing project with the <br />cooperation and subject to the approval of the Federal Housing Administration. Such administration has already <br />prepared an initial and suggested revised plan, the latter being dated September 27, 1949, and engaged <br />in the preparation of further revisions. <br />6. Petitioner prpposes to develop said residential area in a manner consistent with the zoning and other <br />ordinances of the City of South Bend but in view of the very substantial cost of engineering and architectural <br />fees involved Whe preparation of a formal plat intends to defer such preparation to a time subsequent to the <br />rezoning of said residential area as "B" Use District and "B" Height and Area District. <br />7. Petitioner has already employed a registered and competent engineer to make preliminary study and a <br />topographical survey for use in the further laying out and planning of.sueh development. <br />8. Petitioner is able and willing to establish a setback line reasonably sufficient for the protection of the <br />development of Elwood. Avenue as an arterial highway. <br />