<br />FEBRUARY 24th, 1947.
<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in Regular Session
<br />in the Council Chambers, City Hall, February 24th, 1947, at 7:40 P.M., with all members present except
<br />Councilman Richardson, Hull and'heidema.n. President Brannan presided. The reading of the Minutes of
<br />the previous meeting was waived.
<br />A communication was read from F. J. McNaughton, dated February 21st, 1947, concerning parking meters.,
<br />Councilman McCarthy made a motion that the letter be referred to the City Traffic Commissionp Councilman
<br />Bishop seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />To The Council of the City of
<br />South bend, South tend, Indiana.
<br />February 6th, 1947.
<br />71e, the undersigned; property owners on the West Side of the 900 Block, South Greenlawn Avenue; present
<br />this Petition to the Council of the City of South Bend, State of Indiana; for their consideration to
<br />change the present zoning of the property on the ?lest side of the 900 Block, South Greenlawn Avenue.
<br />This property is listed on the Plot Plan "of the City of South Bend as George VI. Mikesell's (Meixels)
<br />First Addition to the City of South Bend, in which Lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 are located,
<br />extending from'the South Side of Mishawaka Avenue, South to Ruskin St. and from the West Side of Greenlawn
<br />Avenue,,140 ft. Test to the First Alley.
<br />From it's present zoning of Residence B Class we would like it changed to Commercial.
<br />(4 Signers)
<br />Councilman Bishop made a motion that the Petition be referred to t-he City Plan Commission. Councilman
<br />Niezgodski seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />The undersigned property owners on Greenlawn Ave., from Mishawaka Ave., extending to the St. Joseph River
<br />on the Western side of the street desire to keep the property strictly residential. This zoning would
<br />prohibit commercial or industrial building of any kind in the zone.
<br />(17 Signers)
<br />Councilman Bishop made a motion that the Remonstrance be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman
<br />Niezgodsi seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Copy of letter addressed to the Honorable Board of Public Works & Safety, dated February 17, 1947.
<br />Councilman Mirocha has requested that the street light at Western Avenue and Kosciusko Street be changed
<br />from a 1000 Lumen Iiht to a 4000 lumen light, and gives as a reason insufficient lighting at a street
<br />where bus traffic has to make a turn.
<br />Of course a 1000 lumen lamp does not give much illumination, and the further fact that this light is on
<br />an arterial highway carrying a heavy foreign traffic, on Western Avenue, better illumination should be
<br />provided on this highway for safety.
<br />I recommend that this change be made, changing the cost of this light from $19.20 per year to v'32.40 per year.
<br />Councilman 11.cCarthymade a motion that the report be placed on file.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />To the Board of Public Works & Safety
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />Respectfully submitted,
<br />7111 F . f. TUTALL S, Sup t .
<br />Councilman Korpal seconded the motion.
<br />February 4, 1947.
<br />As there are no traffic signals at Lincolnway 'Fest and Walnut Street I assume the above is in reference
<br />to a street light, iron pole, undergrou -id service, which was but by an automobile on January 12th, and destroye
<br />On the word of the Indiana & Michigan- Electric Company, that they have beor unable to secure an iron pole
<br />and fixtures to replace this service, I issued an order to them on January 17th, to set a wood pole at the
<br />alley on the north side of Lincoln Slay West, and extend their aerial wires to this pole, and mount thereon
<br />a. mast arm fixture, in order to restore light'to this location.
<br />Talking with Mr. Diedrich, of the I. &.11. Co. this morning, he stated that the severe weather conditions,
<br />plus the trouble incident'tto the recent sleet storm which has kept both day and night crews busy, has delayed
<br />restoration of. this light, but that it would be done as quickly as possible. At any rate they have the order
<br />and, ,i t is up to them.
<br />Respectfully submitted,
<br />WM F. (�UALLS, Supt..
<br />Councilman McCarthy made a motion that the report be placed or. file. Councilman Niezgodski seconded the
<br />motion. 11otion carried.
<br />