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Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana; met in regular <br />session in the Council Chambers, City Hall, August 12th, 1946, at 7 :35 P.M., with all members <br />present. The Ybading of the Minutes of the previous meeting was waived. President Korpal presided. <br />,COMMUNICATIONS <br />South Fend, Indiana. <br />August 1, 1946. <br />A communication from Cruhipacker, May Carlisle & Beamer, stating that a copy of a letter concerning <br />a motion .made in Council on July 22_, with reference to sounding the whistle on locomotives of <br />the Grand Trunk, at Arnold and Olive Streets, has been forwarded to the officials of the Grand <br />Trunk, was read by the Clerk. <br />Motion was made by Councilman Mirocha, that the communication be placed on file. Councilman Bishop <br />seconded the motion. - Motion carried. <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />Members ofthe Common Council, August 8th, 1946. <br />City Hall,' <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />Gentlemen: <br />The undersigned, absent from the meeting this evening because of the illness of his father, wishes <br />to arrange a meeting within the next week between the members of the Common Council and the members <br />of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City for the purpose of d eterming finally, if possible, <br />the site-of South-Bend's sewage treatment plant. We will arrange to be present at any time that is <br />convenient to you, and we ask that you set the date and notify us of the time and place of the meeting. <br />Very truly yours, <br />NATHAN LEFTY, <br />City Attorney. <br />Councilman Richardson made a motion that the Members of the Council get together after the meeting <br />and set a date, and have the Board of Works and Safety notified as to the date agreed upon. <br />Councilman McCarthy seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />PROTEST: <br />Hon. F. Kenneth Dempsey, Mayor, August 12, 1946. <br />The Board of Public Works and Safety, <br />The Common'Council, <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />We, the undersigned taxpayers and residents of the City of'South Bend, do hereby protest <br />against the construction and maintenance of a sewage disposal plant at or near the St. Joseph <br />River, between Angela Avenue and Pinhook as nowproposed. <br />(122. Signers) <br />Councilman Richardson made a motion that the Protest be forwarded to the Council to be brougYtobefor e <br />the meeting of the Board of Works and Safety and the Council, the date of which will be set after the <br />meeting of the Council. Councilman Hull seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF PARK DEPARTMEfi1T <br />Lisle F. McNabb, Supt of the Public Parks, gave a report regarding the repair of that part of the <br />River Road at Pinhook which is gravel. He stated that they do not have a grader and that they <br />had tried to get the County Highway Department to grade it but they would not do it. <br />Councilman McCarthy made a motion that the City Attorney be directed to draw up a Resolution ordering <br />the Street Department to repair this road. Councilman Bishop seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF CITY PLAN COI&ISSION <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend. <br />Gentlemen <br />August 2, 1946. <br />Petition for change of zoning classification of lots #184 and 185, in Park Place, 2nd Add, which lots are <br />at the South East Corner of N. Eddy St. and Chalfant 'St., was considered by the City Plan Commission <br />at their regular meeting Aug. 1, 1946. <br />This change is not recommended. <br />D. Moomaw, <br />Seely <br />Councilman Richardson made a motion that this report be returned to the City Plan Commission for <br />further consideration. Councilman Niezgodski seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF CITY PLAN COMMISSION <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend <br />Gentlemen: <br />August 2, 1946 <br />Ordinance for change of zoning of Lots 14rl, 2 and 3, in Hartman and Woodworth's Addition is returned <br />herewith without action by the City Plan Commission. <br />The owners of this property have asked that their petition for this change be withdrawn. <br />D. MOOMAW, <br />Seely <br />