<br />MARCH 11th, 1946
<br />Be it remembered that the Common'Council of-the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in Regular
<br />Session, in the Council Chambers, City hall, on Monday, March 11th, 1946, at 7 :35 P.M., with
<br />all members present except Councilman Hull and Richardson. The reading of the Minutes of the
<br />previous meeting was waived. President Korpal Presided.
<br />South Bend, Indiana.
<br />March 4th, 1946.
<br />To the Common Cuuncil of the City of South Bend, Indiana.
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />We, the undersigned property owilers, petition your honorable body to consider the following
<br />proposed amend meet to Ordinance-No, 2331; whereby Lot "D" in Davis Plat which is 715 LaPorte
<br />Avenue in the City of South Bend, Indiana, would be changed from "A" Residential.and "A" Height
<br />and Area to "D" Light Industrial and "D" Height and Area.
<br />( 2 Signers)
<br />Councilman Bishop made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission.
<br />Councilman Mirocha seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />TO
<br />OF INDIANA. }
<br />Comes now the petitioner, a duly qualified and acting indiana corporation, by its president,
<br />Harold B. Schultz, and would show the following, to -wit:
<br />1. That'it has entered into a contract of lease with option to purchase the above mentioned
<br />project, with the U.S. of America - Federal Public Housing Authority-,on the 1st day of July, 1943,
<br />and that negotiations for the purchase thereof are now in progress, .while the petitioner is
<br />operating the project under the contract herein,, in its corporate capacity as the-Walnut Grove
<br />Mutual Houseing Corporation.
<br />2. That on or about the 1st day of September, 1941,, the United States Government'ottained the title
<br />to the tract herein mentioned; to -wit:
<br />A tract of land lying and being in the East 2 of the N.W. 4 of Section 8 Township 37, Range
<br />3 East in the City-of South Bend, St. Joseph County,_ State of Indiana, more particularly
<br />described as follows
<br />Beginning at an iron ,pin set at the intersection of the North Line of Section 8 aforesaid
<br />with the North and South. Center Line of'said Section.8 ;.running thence South along the North
<br />and South Center Line of said Section 8, a distance of 2646.4 feet to a point in Jefferson
<br />Boulevard which point is distant approximately 20 feet northwardly from a stone set at the
<br />intersection of the East and West 'enter Line of said Section 8 with the North and South Center
<br />Line thereof; thence East along Jefferson Boulevard 1324.75 feet to the point in the easterly
<br />side of West 2 26th Street; thence`North along the easterly side of West 1 26th Street' 2643:85
<br />feet to a point in McKinley. Avenue; thence East along McKinley Avenue on a line being the North
<br />Line of Section'8 aforesaid 1345.0 feet to the point or place of beginning, containing an area
<br />of 80.942 acres, together with the improvement thereon.
<br />and in consequence thereof began the construction of one and two family units for the housing of
<br />employees engaged in the war effort, to relieve the housing shortage and to enable the employees herein
<br />to be properly accomodated,.as tenants, to aid the government in the war effort.
<br />3. That at the time of the construction of the housing units herein and the development of the tract
<br />herein described into a mutual housing residential project, the Government of the United States was not
<br />under obligations to observe or to comply with the City ordinance as to zoning provisions of the
<br />ordinance and, consequently, the project was classed as an A residence district wherein commerical
<br />buildings and structures are dis- allowed and the conduct of business for the convenience of the
<br />occupants thereof is not permissible.
<br />4. That the project herein is located a great distance from the commerical district-of the City of
<br />South Bend and that there are no commerical enterprises within or about the project, a condition
<br />causing difficulties and inconveniences to the occupants thereof in obtaining food and other
<br />commodities of life necessary to ,proper enjoyment of life.
<br />5. That about seventy five persent of the occupants of the project have voiced their demand for a change
<br />in the classification and zoning of the project to enable them to construct, conduct and maintain such
<br />of business enterprises as will provide food and other necessaries of life for the residents thereof
<br />and their families,
<br />6. That the changes requested in the classification and zoning of the project herein, as necessary for
<br />the convenience and welfare of the residents thereon are the following, to -wit: That the project be
<br />classified as "B" Height and Area District and as "C" Commerical District, to enable the accomplishment
<br />of the purpose herein according to law in such cases made and provided and to the satisfaction of the
<br />residents thereof.
<br />6.A. That in the event the changes requested should conflict with existing conditions now on the project
<br />or could not be allowed without infringement of the present classification and zoning ordinance, then
<br />the petition requests that the area of entire project be included in the "B" residence class leaving
<br />"A" residence height and area'and that the South end portion of the project bounded by Woodmere Lane
<br />on the North side thereof, bounded by 26th Street on the West and thereof, and bounded by Jefferson
<br />Boulevard on the South side thereof, be classed as "C" Commercial District of the entire area within the
<br />boundries herein specified.
<br />