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05-31-45 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
05-31-45 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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RECESSED MEETING :............................... ............................... May 31, 1945. <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South -6end,Indiana, met in a recessed session on <br />Thursday, May 31st, 1945, in'the Council Chambers, City hall, at 7 :46 P.M., with all members present <br />except Councilman. Richardson. President Mirocha presided. The reading of the minutes of the previous <br />meeting was waived. <br />COMMUNICATION <br />A communication from Four Tax - payers, with regard to keeping in force the ordinance prohibiting milk <br />companies from delivering milk before 7 A.M., was read and upon motion of Councilman Niezgodski, seconded <br />by Councilman Bishop, it was ordered placed on file. <br />REPORT OF THE FEES AND SALARIES COMMITTEE: <br />Since tlie...detelop.ements on the' question that was put before the Fees and Salaries Committee, were not <br />was impossible to prepare a written report, however, in order to abide <br />completed until 4 P.M., today it <br />ees and Salaries Committee, an oral report will be made. <br />by.the.demands when it was placed before the F <br />In our meetings that were held it seemed that each group had a different idea of how much of a raise they <br />want and how they expect to get it. The whole thing simmered down to where the money was coming from. <br />Going back over the budget in the Controller's Office, we still found there is only barely enough money <br />available to carry "out the Ordinance that was presented to the Council two weeks ago; So that the Fees and <br />Salaries Committee, recommends that the Ordinance that was placed before the Council two weeks ago be set <br />for public hearing at the next meeting of the Council and, along with that a suggestion that a committee <br />be appointed from the Council to work jointly with the Mayor, the heads 6f the departments and a committee <br />from the employees of each department and a re- adjustment of the wage scale be made in each department <br />in the City, between now and the time that the 1946 Budget is presented to the Council. Vie feel that if we <br />wrangle over - .this matter for another three or four weeks, the whole thing would be prolonged, and these people <br />dhould have an increase and we -,3ant to go on record that, this 10o is not sufficient . If we can get a 100 <br />increase and get it thru now and get the wage scales adjusted, there is a possibility there can be something <br />worked out in the 1946 Budget that will give them an additional amount of money each month, that will have <br />to be seen. <br />This is out report to the Council in regard to the Ordinance that was placed before the Fees and Salaries <br />Committee. <br />MELTON BRANNAN, CHAIRMAN <br />Councilman McCarthy made a motion that the report be accepted and that the Mayor be asked to call a <br />Special Meeting on June 18th, 1945, and that the Clerk notify the members of the Council. Councilman <br />Niezgodski seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE 71i0LE: <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Send: <br />MAY 31 ,1945 <br />Your Committee of the Mole to whom was referred "An ordinance transferring $2,562.75 from the General <br />Fmnd of the City of South Send, Indiana, $449.04 of such amount to Budgetary Account No. P 11, x$449.04 <br />of such amount to Budgetary Account No. Q 11 and $1664;:.67 of such amount to Budgetary Account No. W 11; <br />Appropriating said amounts for the purpose of said accounts; declaring an emergency." <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion this ordinance shall be <br />reported to the Council favorably. <br />Councilman Heideman made a motion to accept the report. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE ,HOLE: <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bends <br />JOHN J. MIROCHA, CHAIRMAN PRO-TEM. <br />Councilman McCarthy seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Your Committee of the ry'hole to whom was referred "An ordinance transferring $7,158.00 from the General Fund of <br />the City of South Bend, to Budgetary Account No. P 724, Motor Equipment- in the Budget of the Police Department; <br />declaring an emergency" <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion the ordinance shall be reported <br />to the Council as favorable. <br />JOHN J. MIROCHA, CHAIRMAN PRO -TEM <br />Councilman McCarthy made a motion to accept report. Councilman Bishop seconded the motion. Lotion carried. <br />
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