Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in regular session Monday, April
<br />289 19412 at 7 :40 P.M., with all members present. President Richardson presided. The reading of the minutes of the
<br />previous meeting was waived.
<br />The Common Council
<br />City of South Bend
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />Honorable Sirs:
<br />April 28, 1941
<br />In conformity with a decision of the police and fire departments jointly, we respectfully present for your serious
<br />consideration a request for salary increases in our respective departments.
<br />The acute need of experienced firemen and policemen by the United States Government and industry, and the attracti
<br />of better compensation for their services is likely to deprive municipalities of their more experienced police and
<br />firemen at a time when need of them is greatest.
<br />To avoid impairment of these two vital protective forces at a critical time like the present, it is important that
<br />the salaries of these departments be commensurate and comparable to those paid by private industry and the governm
<br />for similar services.
<br />Considering the trend of wages, the cost of living, and the more exacting requirements of modern fire fighting and
<br />police methods, we believe our claim to a salary increase is justifiable in every respect.
<br />Respectfully yours,
<br />Leo Hunt, Chairman
<br />Co,unci.lman Niezgodski made a motion that the communication be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Councilman
<br />Bishop seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana:
<br />The undersigned, owners of the property herein described, respectfully petition your Honorable body to change the
<br />zoning classification of the following described real estate in St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, to -wit:
<br />A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section No. 18, in Township
<br />No. 37 North, Range No. 3 East, which part is bounded by a line running as follows, viz::
<br />Beginning at the intersection of the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section
<br />No. 18 with the central line of the Vistula Road (now Lincoln Way East), thence running
<br />Westerly along the center line of said Lincoln Way East, a distance of 242 rods;; thence
<br />South 11 rods, more or less, to the Northerly line of the right -of-way of the Lake Shore &
<br />Michigan Southerly Railroad Company (now New York Central Lines); thence Easterly along
<br />the northerly line of the said right -of -way to the East line of said Southeast Quarter of
<br />Section No. 18; thence North 9 rods, more or less, along said East line of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of Section No. 18 to the place of beginning, containing 12 acres, more or less,.
<br />and being now within and a part of the city of South Bend,
<br />from (C) oommercial district .to .(D) light industrial district.
<br />Dated at South Bend, Indiana,,this 23 day of April, 1941.
<br />PEARL U. HERTRAM - Owner
<br />(Notarized)
<br />I.
<br />Councilman Pulaski made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman Niezgodski
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: April 28, 1941
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred "An ordinance regulating and licensing amusement parks and provid-
<br />ing a penalty for violation thereof"',
<br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion this ordinance shall go to the
<br />Council as favorable.
<br />LEO M. JORDAN, Chairman
<br />Councilman Pulaski made a motion that the report be accepted. Councilman Brannan seconded the motion. Motion
<br />carried.
<br />To the Common Council:
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />April 15, 1941
<br />We are presenting to you herewith, a complaint received by the Health Commissioner. This is a mat-ter over which
<br />they have no jurisdiction as this is private property.
<br />(Attached) James P. Conboy, Clerk
<br />Upon suggestion of President Richardson the complaint attached was referred to the special committee appointed to
<br />investigate dumps, said committee to work with the Board of Safety.
<br />WATER WORKS 'DEPARTMENT April 18, 1941
<br />To the Members of the Common Council:
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />A sub - committee appointed by you, consisting of Clem Niezgodski, Chairman; Walter A. Bishop and Milton 0. Brannon,
<br />