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250 <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in special session, Friday, <br />February 21, 1941, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, with all members present. <br />(SPECIAL CALL <br />TO THE CITY CLERK, PRESIDENT AND <br />MEMBERS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, <br />City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />Gentlemen ; - <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />February 21 -1941 <br />You are hereby notified that under and by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of South Bend, <br />in the State of Indiana,a special meeting of the Common Council of said City is hereby called to meet at the hour <br />of 7 :00 o'clock P.M. on February 21st, 1941, in the Council Chambers in said City for the purpose of considering <br />the following item: <br />A bill introduced in the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, known as "House Bill No. 479", purporting to <br />create the position of a City Treasurer in cities of the second class. <br />The City Clerk is hereby directed to forthwith serve a copy of this notice on each and every member of the Common <br />Council of said City and make due return of such service of said special meeting. <br />J. I. PAVEY <br />Mayor of the City of So. Bend, Ind. <br />I, Marie Nelson, Clerk of the City of South Bend, Indiana, do hereby certify that copy of the above notice was se <br />upon the President and each member of the Common Council of said City prior to the date set for the meeting. <br />MARIE H. NELSON <br />City Clerk <br />THE WITHIN CALL CME TO HAND THIS DAY OF FEBRUARY A.D. 1941, VEICH I SERVED BY READING THE SAME TO EACH COUNC <br />MAN, UPON THE DATE DESIGNATED, AS FOLLOWS: <br />GEO. F. HULL, by Mrs. Goo. Hull <br />ON FEBRUARY 21 1941 <br />LEO M. JORDAN <br />ON FEBRUARY 21 1941 <br />J. M. McCARTHY <br />to "` 21 to <br />HAZEL BISHOP <br />to to 21 et <br />MRS. C. NIEZGODSKI <br />of It 21 " <br />M. 0. BRANNAN <br />W It zl It <br />W. F. PULASKI <br />of It 21 It <br />DOROTHY RICHARDSON <br />" " 21 " <br />HELEN R. HEIDEMAN <br />" " 21 It <br />BRYAN J. ROE X22 <br />Mem ear of the South Bend Police Dept. <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, there has been presented to the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, a bill known as "House Bill No. <br />479 ", which pu create the.position of City Treasurer in cities of the second class and fixes a salary of <br />the Treasurer in the sum of Five Thousand & No/100 ($5,000.00), his Deputy in the sum of Two Thousand Four Hundred <br />& No/100 ($2,400.00) Dollars, the Cashier ip the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred & No/100 ($1,800.00) Dollars <br />and ten Clerks in the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred & No/100 ($1,200.00) Dollars each, or in all a total of Twen <br />one Thousand Two Hundred & No/100 ($21,200.00) Dollars annual salary; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend is a second class city of the State of Indiana, and would come within the purview of <br />the Act as proposed;.,and <br />WHEREAS, under the present law the Treasurer of St. Joseph County, Indiana, acts as ex- officio Treasurer of the City <br />of South Bend, Indiana, for an annual salary of Cne Thousand Two Hundred & No/100 ($1,200.00) Dollars; and <br />WHEREAS, it would cost the City of South Bend several thousand dollars to equip and maintain an office for a City <br />Treasurer, as_ prescribed by said act; and <br />WHEREAS, there is not at the present time sufficient space within the City Hall of South Bend to maintain a City <br />Treasurer's Department with personnel of thirteen persons.together with all the books and equipment -necessary, and <br />such space would have to be secured at an additional cost to the City, probably not in close proximity to the City <br />Hall; and <br />WHEREAS, the Auditor of St. Joseph County, in order to comply with said act, would be forced to make a duplicate set <br />of tax books, inasmuch as persons living within the city limits of South Bend would be required to pay their state, <br />county, civil and school city taxes to the City Treasurer, and all persons living outside the city limits of South <br />Bend would pay their said taxes to the County Treasurer; and <br />WHEREAS, abstractors and attorneys, finding it necessary to make excerpts from the Treasurer's books, would be re- <br />quired to make the offices of both the City Treasurer and County Treasurer, which would entail duplica- <br />tion of effort, increase the amount of work necessary to ascertain the true status of any person in respect to his <br />tax; and <br />WHEREAS, there is no money now appropriated in the City Budget for such an expenditure, as would be involved if the <br />City of South Bend were forced to have a City Treasurer, which it is estimated would cost several thousand dollars <br />for the remainder of the year, and the Common Council would be called upon to transfer funds from the other accounts <br />to meet this expenditure; and <br />WHEREAS, no public benefit vn uld be served by the creation of the position of City Treasurer, as outlined in said <br />act, for the City of South Bend; and <br />WHEREAS, the needs of the public, generally, in the City of South Bend, are served advantageously by the present <br />arrangement;. <br />OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, that the enactment of the <br />roposed act by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, known as designated as "House Bill No. 479 ", would <br />of be for the benefit of the public, generally, of the City of South Bend, Indiana, but would be detrimental to the <br />est interests of said public, and would result solely in the useless expenditure of the taxpayer's money; and <br />