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Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend met in regular session in the Council Chambers of <br />the City Hall, Monday, August 12, 1940, at 7:46 P.M. with all members present. President McCarthy presided. The <br />reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was waived. <br />PETITION <br />PETITION FOR THE RECLASSIFICATION OF REAL ESTATE AND AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, WHICH SAID ORDINANCE IS MORE PARTICULARLY <br />KNOWN AS ORDINANCE NO. 2331. <br />TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />The undersigned, Drewrys Limited U.S.A. Inc., an Indiana corporation, being the owner of the following described <br />estate in the City of South Bend, County of St. Joseph, and State of Indiana, to wit: <br />Beginning at a point that is 880 feet East of the West boundary line of Section No* <br />2, Township 37 North, Range No. 2 East and 130 feet South of the South line of Elwood <br />Avenue; thence East on a line parallel with the South line of said Elwood Avenue a <br />distance of 95 feet; thence South on a line parallel with the West boundary line of <br />said Section No. 2 a distance of 270 feet; thence West on a line parallel with the <br />South line of Elwood Avenue a distance of 95 feet;thence North to the place of beginning,) <br />hereby respectfully petitions that said property be Class D Light Industrial District and as Class F <br />Height and Area District so that said real estate shall be adaptable for the uses permitted by and under said use <br />and height and area classifications and subject to the restrictions pertaining thereto. <br />The undersigned desires and intends to utilize said property for purposes consistent with the classifications herein <br />petitioned for. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set its hand and seal by its duly authorized officers this 30th day <br />of July, 1940. <br />DREWRYS LIMITED U.S.A. INC. <br />ATTEST: By C. A. BUDD <br />J. E. JEANI+7ERET Vice President <br />Secretary <br />Statement and seal of Notary. <br />Councilman Hull made a motion that the petition be referred to the Zoning Board. Councilman Heideman seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />PETITION <br />GREETINGS:- <br />We, the undersigned petitioners, own or occupy dwellings on the following streets: Rogers, Longley, Westmore, and <br />Goodland. The employees of the Bendix Products Corporation habitually park their automobiles during working hours <br />between Goodland and Bendix Drive on Rogers, Longley and Westmore Streets and Between Westmore and Rogers Streets <br />on Goodland Avenue. On many occasions.the driveways are completely blocked, and the property owners and occupants <br />are unable to utilize the parking space in frong of their homes for their own convenience, and we feel that parking <br />automobiles solidly during working hours on each of these narrow streets constitutes a very definite fire hazard. <br />We respectfully petition the Common Council to enact a suitable ordinance prohibiting parking for more than two (2) <br />hours on each of the above named streets from the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. to five o'clock (5:00) P.M. <br />excepting Sundays. <br />23 SIGNERS <br />. <br />Councilman Richardson made a motion that the petition be referred to the traffic engineer for investigation and a <br />report be given to the Council by the Engineer at the next meeting. Councilman Brannon seconded the motion. Motion <br />carri ed. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF STREETS, ALLEYS & BRIDGES 8/12/40 <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee on Streets, Alleys & Bridges to whom was referred a petition to change the name of Center Street to <br />Columbus Street or Columbus Court - <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion the name of this street shall be <br />changed to Columbus. Court. <br />Councilman Pulaski made a motion that the report be adopted. Councilman Bishop seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF`THE WHOLE 8/12/40 <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred an ordinance prohibiting the ordinance prohibiting the keeping of <br />bees within the City of South Bend - <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion this ordinance shall be rejected* <br />LEO M. JORDAN, Chairman <br />Councilman Hull made a motion for the adoption of the report. Councilman Niexgodski seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 8/12/40 <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred an ordinance transferring certain funds from the General Fund of tl <br />Civil City of South Bend, Indiana, to the Fire Department Repair of Equipment Fund for emergency purposes - <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion this ordinance shall go to the <br />Council favorably. <br />LEO M. JORDAN, Chairman <br />Councilman Niezgodski made a motion for the adoption of the report. Councilman Bishop seconded the motion. Motion <br />