'THEREAS, the undersigned property owners assert that such proposed change of the zoning regula-
<br />tions as concerns the above described Lots in Leeperl s Second Ad.. -A ti on would be detrimental
<br />to the property in the vicinity of said Lots sought to be revoned, as well as detrimental to
<br />the City of South Bend at lLrge because of the fact that said property, sought to be rezoned
<br />for commercial uses, is situate on TXorth Michigan Street, the main entrance artery to the City
<br />of South Bend;
<br />NO'!) THEREFORE, the undersigned property owners, pursuant to Section 4� -2303 of Burns Indiana
<br />Statutes, 1933, constituting more than . tinenty percent (20%) of the owners of frontage directly
<br />oxyposite the property proposed to be altered., and. c onstituting the owners of twenty percent (2010)
<br />of the remainder of the block in which the proposed alteration is to be made and, finc,!lly, con -
<br />stituting other -property owners in the immediate vicinity of the property proposed to be altered
<br />do hereby protest, remonstrate and object to the petition of Katie L. Metcalfe and others for
<br />change of zoning of Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26 in Leeper' s Second Addition, and to the matters con-
<br />tained in said. petition, and do hereby state, assert and affirms that the zoning regulations as
<br />now existent with reference to Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26 in Leeper's Second Addition, and to the
<br />matters contained in said petition, and do hereby state, assert and affirm that the zoning
<br />regulations as now existent with reference to Lots �3, 2E, 25 an,), 26 in Leener's Second Addition
<br />should remain unchanged and unmodified.
<br />Bated: This 28th day of September, 1939.
<br />(29 Signers)
<br />Councilman Hull made a motion to place the remonstrances on file. Councilman Xiezgods'i seconder
<br />the motion. Motion: c«.rried.
<br />To the.Common Council of the City of South Bend: 10/9/39
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred. an ordinance declaring the making of unnecesG
<br />noises upon, near or adjacent to the streets, highways or other public places in the City of
<br />South Bend., Indiana, a public nuisance and. providing; penalty therefor.
<br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their 'opinion this ordinance
<br />shall be referred to the Grievance Committee for consideration.
<br />Leo M. Jordan, Chairman
<br />Councilman Hull made a motion to accept the report. Councilman Bishop seconded the motion.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council. - City of South Bend., Ind.
<br />Gentlemen: -
<br />The Street Commissioner reported on a -�)etiti.on submitted to the Council September 25, 1939, for
<br />the improvement of an alley located in the rear of 1608 Sibley Avenue a%.s follows:
<br />"This department is of the opinion that it will be impossible to cut the alley eighteen inches
<br />in depth and prick -rave it thirty feet we -St of the intersection as was suco:ested. Such a. con -
<br />ditioning, we ''believe, will benefit but two property owners as against encumbering; four others.
<br />Furthermore, this department is not permitted to pave any alley in any section of to}an uvithout
<br />authority dicte.ted to it by the Board of 'n'orks. The Street Department, however, is qualified
<br />to grbde the alley and ;out it in such an improved condition as will e.aztiefy equally well all
<br />taxpayers along either side of the alley."
<br />The Boar. of Public Works and safety recommended that the alley be graded, 'seeping in mind the
<br />conveniences to all taxpayers concerned.. '
<br />JPC : EB ,
<br />Respectfully youra,
<br />By - James P. Conboy. . Clerk
<br />Councilman Nie7godski made a motion that the report be tabled. Councilman Richardson seconded
<br />the motion. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council - City of South Bend., Inc :i�Ana. Oct. 6, 1939
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />Petition of Kittie L. Metcalf et.a.l. for change of zoning classification of lots No. 27, 24) 25
<br />and. 26 in Leeper l s 2nd d.d . from r esidence to commercial 7,one was acted u-non by the 71 ty Plan
<br />Commission.at their regular meeting Oct. 5, 1939.
<br />The City Plan Corrrliscion does not recom�riend the making of this change.
<br />Yours truly,
<br />B. mnOMAW, Sect.
<br />Councilman Hull made a. motion that the Council concur with the recommendation of the City Plan
<br />Commission. Oouncilma:n Bishop seconded.. the motion. Motion carried.
<br />To the Comi -non Council - City of South Bend., Indiana. Oct. 6, 1939
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />The City Flan Commission has not yet taken action on the petition of the Inland Bonding Co. , et
<br />6.1. for change of Zoning cl ass ificL.tion of lot KEley's 2n3 . Lincoln Highway Add.
<br />