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07-07-39 Council Special Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
07-07-39 Council Special Meeting Minutes
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City Council - City Clerk
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Council Mtg Minutes
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Be it remembered that the Common Council met in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Monday <br />evening, August 7th, 1939 at the hour of 7 :30 P.M. All members were present. President McCarthy <br />presided. <br />South Bend Indiana <br />August 5, 1939 <br />0 THE CITY CLERK, PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />Gentlemen: - <br />You are hereby notified that under and by virtue of the authority vested in me-as Mayor of the <br />City of South Bend, in the State of Indiana, a special meeting of the Qommon Uouncil of the City <br />of South Bend is hereby called to meet at the hour of 7 :30 P.M. on August 7th, 1939, in the <br />Council chambers in said City, for the purpose of considering the budget for the year 1940. <br />The City Clerk is hereby directed to forewith serve a copl of this notice on each and every membe• <br />of the Common ouncil of said City and make due return of suchservice at said special meeting. <br />J. I. Pavey <br />1'ayor of the Uity of Oouth Bend, Ind. <br />it Marie Nelson, Clerk of trio C ityyof South Bend, Indiana, do hereby certify that a• copy of the <br />above notice was served upon the President and each member of the Common Council of said City <br />rioi to the date set for the meeting. <br />Seal) <br />• Marie H. Nelson <br />City Clerk <br />e within call came to hand this 7th day of August, A.A 1939, Which I have reading t1f. <br />me to each Councilman, upon the date designated, as.lo'llows; <br />Wm. Richardson On August 55th —91939 <br />Walter A. Bison '' " 5th ,1939` <br />M. 0. Brannon " " 5th 11939 <br />nd. by leaving a certified copy thereof at the last and usual place of residence of such members <br />s I was unable to find, as follows: <br />Georze Hull On August 5th ,_,;1939 <br />John McCarthy(no'one home) " " 5th ,1939 <br />Clem Neidgodski of " 5th 11939 <br />Wm. F. Pulaski to '' 5th ,1939 <br />Geo.Hki Heideman " '' 5th ,1939 <br />Leo. M. Jordan to '' 5th ,1939 <br />x <br />ated this 5th day of August,1939 <br />ecial call ordered placed on filed.. <br />August 7, 1939 <br />Officer Rhymer <br />MEMBER OF THE SOUTH BEND POLICE DEPT. <br />o the Honorable Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />entlema.n :- <br />present to you here #ith my recommendations in answer to departmental requests for operating fund <br />or the year 1940. <br />have based my recommendations upon what, I,bolievre: will be adequate funds to meet the situation <br />hat confronts the departments in carrying out their activates in their respective department. <br />evera.l depa.rtmets have requested additional personal assistance, which I do not se4 my way clear <br />o recommend. he City is faced with the raisinf of funds to pay off Barrett Law obligations, due <br />o a recent Supreme Court decision. This is a matter over which this Administration has no con - <br />rol, nor are they responsible for the existing condition, but which thet must meet. I. there - <br />ore, have recommended that 12¢ b4 placed in the tax ±ate this year to take care of the city's <br />bligation so far determined. <br />zere is�?:also an increase of 7¢ requested for the W. P. A. sponsor's appropriation this year. <br />eginning January lst, 1940, the sponsor must provide twenty -five percent of the total cost of a <br />.P.A* project, whereas records indicate that during the past fifteen monthe the city has provid <br />zlyl6.9° of the total cost. <br />ith these increases in mind, I cannot recommend many of the increases that various departments <br />ave requested and certainly no increases in personal services. <br />n view of the current years experience to date, I believe the City of South Bend can efficiently <br />perate during 1940 with the same appropriations as those set out in 1939 with a very few excep- <br />ions. I, therefore, submit the proposed budget and suggest t hat ypur:- b6&y- gi*4 ° drl.aus zoheidea <br />ion to my suggestions, bearing in mind that money appropriated must come from the taxpayers and <br />very considertion should be given them in seeing that the various departments function efficien* <br />
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