Be it remembered that the Common Council met in the Council Chamgers in the City Hall, Monday
<br />evening, June 26, Pt 7:35 P.M. Vice President Hull presided in the absence of President McCarthy
<br />All other members were 1'esent. The reading of the minutes was suspended. .
<br />City Council of South Bend,
<br />South Bend, Ird .
<br />Honorable Members:
<br />South Bend, Ind.
<br />June 23, 1939.
<br />In our daily newspaper of June 20, 1939, I note that the Street Railway Company and. the Grand
<br />Trunk Western Railroad are considering using the same tracks across the river from Lincoln High-
<br />way East to the street car barns, and on account of this arrangement they are plenning' to ebolis
<br />the flashers Pt Carroll, Columbia±, Notre Dame, PndEddy Streets on account of the Street Car
<br />Company using the rail for a ground return on their power.
<br />I think you must have been misled as to the flPshers on Carroll and Columbia Streets as I know
<br />there is a watchman at Columbia Street who handles these crossings inasmuch as I use this cross-
<br />ing at least four times a day and PtPl l hours cf the day end, I have found that he is on duty at
<br />least twelve hours per day. I agree that the flashers at Notre Dame and -Eddy Streets are auto -
<br />matic end t1ot the StreetCPr Company power would interefere with their use, but I have looked
<br />over the tracks on the West side of the river myself and in no way can I see where Lincoln Way
<br />East, Fellows St., Columbia or Carroll are worked automatically es,the rails are not bonded,
<br />end these rails would have to be bonded if the flashers at the above streets worked autometicall
<br />on the approach of a train. As near as I can see there is no possible chance of the Street Car
<br />and Railroad's currents conflicting on the west sideof the river Ps the G.T.W. is not using a.
<br />rail circuit.
<br />With reg -Prds to train crews protecting these crossings I do not see how a, crew, switching across
<br />Carroll, Columbia, Fellows, and L. W. E. could do a good job of protecting the crossings and at
<br />the same time do their switching. Also, I have found that when a. railroad signal or watchman
<br />has been in service any length of time the traveling public has become used to their warning,
<br />and that the removal of either is a. hPzPrd to the public. For example, tPke Vernon Street cross-
<br />ing on the N. Y. C. R. R. where a. watchman was removed about nine years ago and there have, since
<br />that time, been several accidents.incl udng one city employee, within the past six months.
<br />Carroll and Columbia. Streets are so located that the trPins do most of their switching over these
<br />two streets on account of the team tracks and freight house, and rp rehouses. This switching is
<br />done mostly during the heavy street traffic, namely, at noon Pnd from 4.P.M. to 6 P.M., and
<br />sometimes engine switching as late as 7 P.M.
<br />I have hPd quite e lot of railroad experience myself on both steam Pnd elevated roads and know
<br />that these conditions Pre hazardous to thepublic and. to the Railroad, Ps I have stated above,
<br />Pnd therefore I hope you gentlemen will not see fit to Tr ss an act that will prove unsafe to the
<br />people of South Bend endother cities who have occasion to use these crossings.
<br />Below, my name, you will find the n?mes of some of those who are Plso opposed to this issue.
<br />Signed: G. W. Brugh - 1901 Elwood Ave. City
<br />Albert E. Root - R.R. 7, Box 23, South Bend
<br />J. W. Eastep - 1332 Sunnymede Ave.
<br />Otis W. Towne - R. 1, Gary, Ind.
<br />Councilman Pulaski made a. motion to place the communic^tion on file. Councilman Brannon seconded
<br />the motion. Motion carried.-s
<br />City Council
<br />of the City of South Bend., Indiana
<br />We, the undersigned, respectfully petition your Honorable LRody to change Lot 41, Raley's Second
<br />Lincoln HighwPy Addition from its present zoning of Residential to Commercial.
<br />Respectfully submitted,
<br />9!�
<br />Roseland Lumber
<br />as trustee under
<br />Securities Ines
<br />-bv E.A.Coates
<br />on Co. -by Axel ,R
<br />Coal Co. -by Wm.
<br />rank W. Hartzer.
<br />ent Corp. end
<br />Co.. Trust.
<br />r
<br />Mrs. Edith Stuckey
<br />The DerP rtment of Financial Institutions
<br />Ps Liquidator of the Washington State Bank
<br />By Frank McOonaughy, Special Representative
<br />(Franklin M. Boone - Lot 173,Lincoln Terrace
<br />(Tower Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. n "
<br />Councilmen Bishop made a motion to refer the petition to the City Plen Commission. Councilmen
<br />Niezgodski seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee on Grievances to whom was referred P petition to install traffic signals at the
<br />intersections of Walnut and Washington Streets Pnd Ewing Avenue and Miami Street -
<br />Respectfully report thatthey have examined the matter and that in their opinion the petition
<br />should be granted,
<br />Leo. M. Jordan, Chairman
<br />(Councilman Richardson made a motion that the council concur with the finding of the Committee.
<br />Councilman Pulaski seconded the motion. Motion carried..
<br />(,Add ' .
<br />n
<br />