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I . 'Why i-c the entire matter being; kept a secret? <br />2. 11hy is i.t.being re }roved from a. fireproof building to a. buildingr that yougentlemen ' <now is <br />Safe? <br />3. Does the Administration know that the building on lfa_yne :tree± -pas constructed so that <br />the Police andFire Alarm systems would be housed in a fireproof buil;l-ng, and that both the <br />Police and Fire Alarm Operators can be interchanged so tha=t if one is in any way incapacitate <br />the other can in an emergency operate either system, and that the insurance for the City of <br />South Bend were materially-reduced because of this fact? <br />4. Does the Administration 'Knots thatthe same results can be obtained by merely pl<<cing a !ricro- <br />phone at the Sergeant's Des'. and broadcasting may be done byremote control without. any increased <br />cost to the tax-payer-q? <br />J <br />Does the Admi -nis trati_on 'rnot�; that -no time wi 11 be .- wined. in the transmission of me sseges by <br />the removal, of this transmitter from its present site? <br />6. <br />AT haft Chief In Tram condemned our system t�ithout f irst giving it a chance to prove its <br />efficacy to him? IG it to be condemned only because it differs f ro_r that of 'Fuitchi ta,Kensas? <br />Gentlemen, I feel that this entire :natter warra.ntc your most caref;il con si ^_aracti on. As members <br />Of the Common 'ouncil of the City of South Bend, it is your duty to conduct an open and honest <br />investigation Without e.ny prejudice, aid. discover for yourselves the merits or demerits of the <br />proposed clan, end pass judgment on your findings. <br />Yours very truly, <br />'N. H. TROST , JR. <br />Councilman .Bishop motioned that the commiunica.tion be referred to the Grievance Committee. <br />Councilmen Heiceman seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />PETITION <br />PETITION TO AIFEA?'"a ZONING ORDINA -. ?CE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />TO THE HONORABLE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH 111-ND, INDIAW: <br />',le, the undersigned, being the owners of the real es`ate described opposite our signaturec here- <br />under, do hereby petition you 'Co amend the 4oning Ordinance of the City of South Bend-, In- '.iena., <br />in the following respects, to- Tait: <br />By placing the follov^in& described reel estate in the City of ;oath Bend, Indiana: <br />The real estate which is bounded on the North. to Eck.ynan Street; on the <br />East -by the first alley east of n.nd parallel to Michigan Street; on the <br />South by IJonmoyer Avenue; and. on the West by the first alley west of and <br />parallel to Michigan Street; excepting therefrom however, t'n -e foll5viting <br />described real estate: -Lots Numbered. fifty and fifty -one (50 acid 1) in <br />Oaksid� Thir -d Plat; Lots I7ambered one and forty -seven (1 :end t! -7) in Krou <br />an: 'Whitmore's Snb;ii_vi_si.on and Lots Numbere,? Pi_x.ty -four and sixty -five <br />(( <br />arid 9-5) in ;ueensboro AV i ti o -n; <br />in the ''B" Residential District and the "A" ,Height an^?. Area District. <br />t <br />Said. real este e i_s,nresently zoned in "C" Co- mmercial ?district and "E" Height and Area District. <br />(37 signrtures) <br />Councilman Hull made a motion that the petition be referred to the City . -Plan Commission. The <br />motion teas seconded. by Councilman Pulaski. I'loti.on carried. <br />Councilma=n Hull made a report for theGrievance Committee with regard to the traffic crossings <br />at Miami :fit. and. Eiming Ave. and 'Walnut and '.Washington Sts. It was suggested to the City Traffic <br />Engineer that the same, changes be made at iy'ashington and 'Xalnut Streets as had been ade at Miami <br />and Ewing Avenue. These streets to be marked by signs only until such time as money can be <br />obtained to install signals. <br />II,REPORT OF COI "7I` TEE ON MINUTES: <br />To the Com -r,on Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee on the inspection and supervision of the minutes, would respectfully report that <br />they have inspected the m=inutes of the previous, meeting of the Council and found them correct. <br />They therefore recommend that the same be approved. <br />(Minutes of April 3 and April 17) <br />J. M. McCarthy <br />Geo. F. Hull <br />Leo M. Jordan <br />Councilman Pulaski made a motion that the report be accepted and filed. The motion war. seconded <br />by Councilman Brannon. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE CITY CONTROLLER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BFNl7: ( For the month of April, lo3a ) <br />Balance on Hand. First of Month <br />Balance )./ 30/ 39-------------------------- - - - - -- 5`40,207.12 <br />The report was accepted by the Council and ordered. placed on file. <br />