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05-08-39 Council Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
05-08-39 Council Meeting Minutes
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8/20/2013 11:52:32 AM
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8/20/2013 10:28:03 AM
City Council - City Clerk
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Council Mtg Minutes
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We have abstracted about X1.,000,000 worth of assessments that have been paid by offset, rl.a.ced <br />payments on active books. Certificates of ,credit for bonds that were used by - r,rorerty owners <br />to satisfy their asses .-ments are now being; made. We hope to complete this phase of the audit <br />in about tern days. <br />On or about the 15th of Yay, work will be stErted as to actual determination of the city liabil- <br />ity. 1 e have no idea as to a definite amount of liability that will be borne by the city at <br />this time. <br />Ire hope for co-operation of you members of the Coraron Council and all c iti,?ens when tree liabil- <br />ity is finally d.eterrr+ined, to formulate a plan of finance to eliminate a sudden increase in g <br />the tax rate to meet this liability. <br />Yours very truly, <br />(Signed) Peter A. Bec?ki_e,.aricq <br />City Treasurer <br />Councilman Hull made a. motion to file the report. Councilman Brannon seconded. the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 327x- . <br />This ordinance is amendatory of Ordinance No.2331, adopted. by the Common Council of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, on June 25, 1923, commonly knovm as the Zoning Ordinance. <br />BT IT ORDAINED by the Comrr:on Council of the City of South Bend: <br />SECTION 1. That Ordinance. No. 2?31. of the City of South Bend, Indiana, otherwise <br />known Ens the 7oning Ordinance, be and. the same "hereby is amended as follows, to -Wit: <br />That the following describedreal estate heretofore classified ak; a B regidenti&1 use <br />district be and. the same is hereby reclassified and revzoned as a Class C commercial use district <br />and shall hereafter be su6ject to all regulations and. rests. ictions affecting real estate 7-oned. <br />for Class C commercial use as defined by Section 5 of said Ordinance No. 2531; said property <br />being the following described real estate located in the City of South Bend., at. Joseph County, <br />State of Indiana., to -wit: <br />Lots No. 59, 60 and 61 in Orchard Heights Second Addition to the <br />City of South Bend. <br />BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the aforesaid real estu to be and hereby is changed f rom <br />A height and area district to D height and area district, and that said real estate shall_ here- <br />after be subject to all the regulations of Section 13 of said. Ordinance No. 2331. <br />SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in fullforce and effect from and. after its pa.ssagi <br />by the Common Council and. its approval in uniting by the Mayor . <br />(Note: notice of public hearing published. in South Bend Tribune' and The ?,.!irror on )-1/28/39) <br />This ordinance !vas given third. reading- in full by the Clerk and public hearing held. The ordin- <br />ance was passed by roll call vote of 9 eyes - 0 nays. <br />ORDINANCE YO. 327' - <br />AN CRIJINANCF TO AMEN ORDINANCE -2331 , =FAR AS THE SAID <br />ORDINANCE IS APPLICABLE TO LOT #ag BA "rTR AND ITCHFNRY' S <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND. <br />BF IT CRDAIN?4D by the Common Council of the city of South Bend, Indiana: <br />Section 1. That Ordinance ;2771 be a mended insofElr as s�:id or,?inaAnce is e.- disable <br />to Lot No. - in Baker_ a-nd YcHenr's, Addition to the city of South Bend, Indiana, by char,Fing <br />the ?oning of said Lot anti. from B use a.nd. A refight and area d.isirint to 1 -fight industrial. or D <br />use and E height and area district, as -provided by said or,�intnnce ', 2331. <br />Section 2. This ordinance shell be in full" force and effect frog; n l � +er its en- <br />actment and approval by the lRayor. <br />T7'0. t HiiLI. <br />Yember of the Common Council of South Bend. <br />(?Mote: '','otice of public h6&rin� rublished. i-r. South Bend Tribune End The Virror on )'/25/70) <br />This ordinance given t bird reading in full by the Clerk and -,_ ublic hea.rin held.. Ord i nEinc e <br />passed by roll call vote of c eyes - 0 nays. <br />Councilman Niezhodski made a motion that the -petition for a traffic signal at 'Washington & <br />17alnut Streets be referred to the Grievance Committee for consideration. <br />Councilman Richardson m�,.de a motion to amend the :notion to include the petition for traffic <br />signE.1 Eat vt. and 1,wing; Ave. <br />The amended :motion was seconded by Councilman Brannon. I :Foti.on carried. <br />Councilman Pulaski made a motion for Ldjournment. <br />" & 1 7:55 P.M. Council �d journec P..�. <br />ATTEST: 5/ <br />At� <br />17 Lr7K <br />Councilman Nie7podski seconded the motion. <br />AI'PR`177D : <br />-.�C IDL'�I1Tm <br />
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