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124 <br />WHEREAS: The New Fist Side High School now under construction at Mishawaka. Avenue Pnd Tveycken= <br />hem Drive will necessinte a greet number of students living in the east part of the <br />city north of the Grand Trunk and Wester Railroad using the Greenlawn Avenue crossing <br />of- the sbove named railroad Pn their way too and from school. And <br />WHEREAS: This railroad crossing is and has been a very dangerous crossing; <br />THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: <br />By River Park Post No. 303 of the American Legion , th t the Common Council of the <br />City if South Bend be asked to take the necessa=ry steps to cause to be erected at the <br />Greenlawn Avenue crossing of the Grand Trunk and Western Railroad modern Flasher <br />sign-ls: <br />BE IT FURTHER RESCLVED THAT: <br />A copy of this resolution be presented to the Honorable Jesse I. Peavey, r,1.ayor of the- <br />City of South Bend <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: <br />A copy of this resolution be presented to the President of the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend. <br />This-resolution pissed by River P^rk Post NO-303 of The Americen Legion at their <br />regul?rmeeting held April 19,1939• <br />SIGNED Vern G. Scott ADJUTANT <br />;falter A. Bishop 3rd. District <br />Xm. Richrrdson Councilman Pt large. <br />A. motion by Pulrski Pnd seconded by Bishop this resouution be referred to the Grievance Coma- <br />mittee�. : <br />Petition attached with resolution shows 46 signers. <br />Report on estimated cost of intercepting sewers for sewage disposal system wPs presented. by <br />Willipm S. Moore, Consulting Engineer of South Bend. <br />Cherles vY, Cole gpve report on estimpte of construction costs of severpl methods of sew. -ge <br />treatment for-the City of South Bend. <br />Councilmen Hull made - motion for ndjoi_i.rnment, seconded by Councilmen Rich.p.rdson, There being <br />no'further business the meeting adjourned st9:45. <br />APPROVED: <br />ATTEST: <br />PRESIDENT <br />CLERK (/ <br />k <br />