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The actual outlpy of money will be reduced for the taxpayers, and, from preliminary:esti- <br />mates, we feel that a sum of $2 0,000.00 will carry on this project for a minimum of one and a <br />half to two years time. <br />The only reason for con S4 of the problem of building a Treatment Plant and. cross- <br />overs Pt this time is because the Council must agree to provide funds,'when necessary, for the <br />Sponsor's share of the cost,before the JqPAfunds will be released for the intercepting sezrers. <br />It is „therefore, the thought of this Board that no further action be taken relative to the <br />Treatment Plpr-rt end cross - overs, other than P. resolution by the Council pledging themselves to <br />provide funds for the sponsor's share of the coat when necessary. <br />The only desire of this Board, and we fire sure the Council concurs,, is that, if and whet_, <br />a Sewage Treatment System is built for this city, it will have been built at the least possible <br />expense to its taxpayers, and when completed that it will perform 100o /o those functions for <br />(which it has been constructed. This being true, we pre not concerned with any pprticulnr type <br />of n1pnt, except it be the proper type to perfbTm its functions best for South Bend_. In order <br />to know the proper type of plpnt needed, exhaustive studies of the various types of sewage to <br /> treated., as well as mr-ny other factors which enter into the designing, construction and per - <br />form nce of a pl^nt suitable to our City, must be completed. <br />If the WPA allotment is to be saved, time will not permit the accumulating of the necessary <br />information to decide on the type of plTpnt we need, and such information is,not imperative at <br />the present time. The report, which the Council ordered from engineers at its 1.. ^st regular <br />meeting, will of necessity be brief, incomplete and inpdequpte for taking conclusive action to- <br />night. <br />In conclusion, we «rish to summarize our thoughts on the entire matter as follows; <br />1. The construction of a Sewage Treatment System, entailing as it does, theexpend.iture of a <br />1prge sum of the taxpayers' money, should be approached with caution and only approved <br />after careful and thorough investigation. <br />2. If end when the decision is made, to proceed ttrith the construction of such a. system, then <br />-a11 diligence should be exercised to see thpt it. is built at the least possible expense <br />to the taxpayers, proper construction being considered. <br />3. CPreful and thorough investigrtion should. br mpde of all types of Treatment Plants, as <br />well as the sewage to be treated., in order to determine the type of plant which will <br />serve South Bend. best, <br />4. "It should be kept in mind thrt if ^nd when a Sewage Treatment System is built, we Went <br />it built so thpt the Tpxpayerp will hpve value received for every dollar expended, end <br />thpt the system is the best possible for South Bend. <br />In view of the fpct thpt the matter of building p Sewage Treatment System is a problem of <br />finance pnd thpt the Common Council must provide the mepr_c and methods of furnishing the neces- <br />sary funds for the construction of r-ny such system, the matter of determining whether or not we <br />shell proceed with the construction of theis project, is, in the finpl Pneiysis, one for your <br />body to determine.. <br />If we to endeavor to- obt ^in the reinstatement of grr nt of funds from the Public 'forks <br />Administration for the purpose of finpncing p part of the cost of the building the Sewage Treat - <br />ment Plant and river cross- overs;,then it will be necessary for the Common Council,.by proper <br />resolution, to indicate its willingness end intention to provide the, necessary funds for the <br />Sponsor's sha=re of the entire system. <br />Inasmuch as time is pn import?nt element for the procuring of Federal Funds Cnd assistance <br />for the construction of this whole project, because of the necessity of obtaining the PGA <br />grant end the retention of the WPA project before the expirption of the Government's fiscpl year <br />June 30, we rre'submitting herewith for your consideration a form of resolution., which we be- <br />lieve will sptisfy the agencies of the Federpl Government; in the event you feel, after proper. <br />consideration of the matter, that this project should be undertaken rind that the pcsistance of <br />Ithe Federpl Government should be sought in financing the construction of the System. <br />Jesse I. Pavey,•Mpyor <br />Clyde Willi?ms, Pres. . <br />George N. Beemer <br />Harry S. Driggs <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY. <br />RESOLUTION:OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, RELATIVE TO THE BUILDING OF THE <br />BUILDING OF INTERCEPTING S7TERS AND A SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM. <br />;WHEREAS, thenumber of persons on direct relief in South Bend, Portage Township, Indians, <br />is approximately 8,000 people, -nd. the prospects of materially decreasing the relief load in said <br />City in the nepr future ^re negligible, and <br />WHEREAS,.the City of South Bend is confronted with the necessity of putting men to work on <br />useful projects, and <br />,WHEREAS, the attitude of the State Bonrds of Heelth of Indiana and Michigan toward strum <br />pollution is such thpt the City of South Bend may be compelled., in the near future, to abate <br />the pollution of the St. Joseph River by the disposel of sewage, and <br />