<br />11INUTFS
<br />APRIL 10, 1
<br />Be it remembered that the Comwr:on Council met in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Monday,
<br />April 10th at 7 :110 P.M. All members .vere present. President McCarthy presided.
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<br />Gent1 err en.
<br />South Bend, Ind., A-or.
<br />"Ve the under c i ;ned r?roperty owners, petition your honorable body to ch«nge Zoning, of lots 1L, 5,
<br />5, Seeberger ►s Michigan Street Add. from "C" Use end ''E'' Height & Area to ' ►B" Use & "B" Height
<br />end Area according to law.
<br />Yours Respectfully,
<br />(Signed) Robert T. 'Witt 2502 S. 'Michigan St.
<br />Josephine '.mitt 2502 S. I..ichigan St.
<br />Councilman Hull made a. motion that the petition be referred. to the City Plan Commission. 0ounci
<br />man Pulaski s econded the motion. Motion carried..
<br />Ta the Common Council:
<br />City of South Bend
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />April 8, 1939
<br />Petition f or change of zoning; classification of Lot ,j_48 BG'. ,cer and McHenry ►s Addition from B use
<br />and A height and area. district to liCht industrial, corresponding to the zoning; of dots 119, 50
<br />and 51
<br />This petition does not. r,skfor a change in the'heig;ht district, but to correspond with the ?oning
<br />of lots 4q, 50 and 51, it will be chbnged from "B" use and. "A" height and. area. districts to ' VI
<br />use and_ "E" height and area district end the City Plan Commission recommends the change to "U"
<br />use end "E" height and area districts.
<br />Respectfully,
<br />D. Mooma_w, Secretary
<br />Councilman Hull made a motion that the recommendation of the City Plan Commission be accented and
<br />the petition referred. to the City Attorney to be t7,ritten as an ordinance. Councilman Pulaski
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />R E S O L U T I O N
<br />`,WHEREAS, the American Legion Post No. 50 of South Bend., in cooperation with the South Bend Yacht
<br />club, propose to hold a boat race on theSt. Joseph River Sunday afternoon, May 21st, 1939, and
<br />WHEREAS, in order to effectually realize any funds by reason of said boat race, it is necessary t
<br />charge a. small admission fee to the place and /or places of vantage along the-proposed route of sai
<br />boat race; and
<br />WHEREAS, in order to charge an admission fee at the place and /or places of vantage along; the pro-
<br />posed route of said boat race, it is rwessary to control the ingress to s�,i.d place and /or. places;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, in order t,) control the ingress to said place and /or` places of vantage, it is necessary
<br />to temporarily block off the ends of c ertain streets and avenues i.n the City of South Bend;
<br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLED, by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana_, that by and
<br />with the consent of the Bo ,_rd of Public Safety and the Board of Park Commissioners of said City,
<br />the American Legion Post No. 50 and the South Bend Yacht Club are hereby authorized and permitted
<br />to block off for a temporary period on Sunday, May 12st, 1939, the South ends of South St. Louis
<br />Boulevard., South St. Peter Street, South Notre Dame Avenue, South St. Francis S +reet, the South
<br />Eddy Street entrance to LaSalle Parr, and the intersections of Arch Avenue and East A?Ionroe Street
<br />with Edgewater Drive.
<br />ounci lman Hull mrde a motion that the Resolution be adopted. Councilman Bishop seconded. the
<br />otion. Motion carried.
<br />MOTION
<br />r. President:
<br />III move you that the Board of Public Yorks of the City ofSouth Bend be anal. ,they are hereby instruct
<br />to act for and. in behalf of the CitIT of South Bend as follows, to —wit:
<br />1. To make the necessary contracts, assurances and commitments smith the proper officials of
<br />he Federal Emergency Administration of Public ',,17orke whereby a lo,_n and/or grant to the City of
<br />outh Bend by the said Federal Emergency Administration of Public 'Works for the construction of a
<br />ewage treatment plant in the City of South Bend shall be accepted and completed. by this City in
<br />n amount and according to the terms and conditions prescribed by such Federal Agency.
<br />2. That the said Board of Public 'Works proceed to with Charles TN. Cole,
<br />n engineer residing in the City of South Bend, providing for the construction of said. sewage
<br />reatment plant and calling for the submission by the said Cole to the said Board of Works and
<br />o this councilmanic body at its next regular meeting on Monday, April 24, 1939, of costs,
<br />stimates,- maintenance charges and relative efficiency of the various types of both biological
<br />