<br />e it remembered that the'Common Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers in the
<br />ity Hall, Monday evening; February 27, at the hour of 7 :40 P.M. All members were present ex-
<br />ept Councilman Richardson. President McCarthy presided.. It was agreed to dispense with the
<br />eading of the minutes.
<br />cknowledgments of resolutions from the f amilies of Harry Wheelock and Walter McInerny were
<br />ead and placed on file.
<br />F ebrubry 20, 1939
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />ear Sirs
<br />The undersigned is the agent for Lot #48 in Baker &- McHenry ' s Addition to South Bend.,
<br />hick lot is now zoned A hdght and, area district and B residential.
<br />I am also agent for all thevacant lots in this addit ion.
<br />I respectfully request that said Lot #48 be rezoned, and. classified as Light Industrial
<br />o as to conform to the adjoining lots 49, 50 and 51, in the above described addition.
<br />(Singed) W. K. McHenry
<br />Agent
<br />ouncilman Hull made a motion that the communication be placed on file. Councilman Pulaski
<br />econd.ed the motion. Motion carried.
<br />glance on Hand First of Month - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,148t552 .4
<br />alance on Hand February 28, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,103 , 578.1
<br />espectfully submitted, Harry S. Driggs,- City Controller.
<br />ouncilman. Hull moved to accept the -Controller's report and place on file. Councilman Niezgodski
<br />eco nded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />INANCE
<br />N ORDINANCE requiring the Grand Trunk Western Railway Company and the New York Central Railway
<br />ompany (and o ' r New York Central System) to place, keep and maintain a flagman at the Walnut
<br />nd Ford street crossings; and providing for penalty.
<br />his ordinance was given first reading by title, its second reading in full. Councilman Hull
<br />ade a motion that the ordinance be referred to theCommittee of the Whole. Motion seconded by
<br />ouncilman Pulaski. Motion carried. President McCarthy suggested that the Railway officials
<br />e notifed that this :°Tev�,�°, n. is to be considered at the next meeting of the Committee of the
<br />hole.,6
<br />SOLU`T'ION ' February 27, 1939
<br />Resolution protesting the proposed legislation giving the Park Board of 1st and 2nd class
<br />ities power to-issue time warrants in anticipation of tax collections for-payment of park bonds
<br />nd interest.
<br />hereas the Park Board, not an elective board, through said legislation attempts to usurp the
<br />unctions of the common council that is elected by the people, now, therefore, be it
<br />,esolved, that the common council of the City_ of South Bend does hereby protest such legisl«tion
<br />nd respectfully petitions the Senate and.House of Representatives for the retention of that
<br />uthority in the common council.
<br />Resolved, that copies of this resolution be transmitted. to Governor of the State of Indiana,
<br />Senator Walter Arnold, Eugene Payton, State Representatives Thurman S. Crooks, Irving Garnitz
<br />and J. Chester Allen, and to the committee on cities and towns.
<br />(Signed) Clem Niezgodski
<br />Councilman --2nd District
<br />Councilman Niezgodski moved that the Resolution be adopted. Councilman.-Brannon seconded the
<br />motion. Motion was passed by following vote: McCarthy, Brannon, Jordan, Niezgodski, Bishop,
<br />Heideman, Pulaski - Ayes. Hull - Nay. 7 Ayes - 1 Nay.
<br />Councilman Niezgodski made a motion that the Resolution be referredto the Committee of the Whole.
<br />Motion seconded by Councilman Heideman. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
<br />President McCarthy asked that a date be set for a public hearing on the foregoing Resolution.
<br />Councilman Hull made a motion that public hearing be held on March 20, 1939 Councilman Bishop
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />A Communication, dated February 20, 1939, from the Citizens Housing Committees Federation,
<br />signed by Mrs. A. N. Milgram, referring to the establishment of a local Housing Authority was
<br />read by the Clerk.
<br />Communication, dated February 18, 1939,, referring to Housing Authority, signed by J. Chester
<br />len , was read by the Clerk.
<br />here being no .further business, Council adjourned at 9 :05 P.M.
<br />ATTEST: a
<br />CLERK
<br />SIDENT
<br />