<br />Be it remembered thst the Common Ccu ncil met in the Committee of the Whole in the Council
<br />Chambers of the City Hall, Monday evening, December 12th, at the hour of 7:50 P.P. All members
<br />were present except Councilman Hull. Chairmen Goetz presided.
<br />ORDINANCE #3263
<br />An Ordinance amending Section 13 of an Ordinance Numbered 2682 adopted by the Common Council on
<br />the 13th day of February, 1928, end approved by the Mayor on February 16, 1928, being an Ordin-
<br />ande regulating the production, grading, label9_ng, handling, pasteurization, distribution and
<br />sale of milk, cream and certain milk products and providing for issuing permits and licenses
<br />therefor.
<br />Councilman Chamber moved that said ordinance be held in committee till December 28th. Council-
<br />man Rasmussen seconde.[d the mot i n i _
<br />Councilman James moved to amend Councilman Chambers' motibn-_tb t °it go favorably t.o the council
<br />tonight. Councilman fish seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />ORDINANCE #3237
<br />An Ordinance to regulate, control and license the sale, storage, delivery, and distribution of
<br />food, both wholesale and retail, within the City of Bout. Bend, and to provide for the inspec-
<br />tion of restaurants, lunch stands, groceries, meat markets, beer taversn, bakeries, cafes,
<br />dining rooms, ice cream parlors, public or private markets, stalls, shops., stores, storehouses,
<br />cold storage plants, or where fish, oysters, birds, fowl, vegetables, fruits, milk, ices, bev-
<br />erages, meat, meet food products, bake goods, or any other provision of food intended for con-
<br />sumption by human beings, is manufactured, held, kept, stored, or offered for sale, disposition,
<br />or other distribution as food for human beings..
<br />Councilmen Chambers read the following report of the Ordinance Committee as to the amendments
<br />to Ordinance #3237, which is signed by Councilman Rasmussen end Councilman Chambers. Council-
<br />man James was not present.
<br />Members 'of the Common Council
<br />City of South Bend, Indtana.
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />December 12, 1938
<br />As result of meetins with committees of grocers, soda foutain and restai4rant operators, the
<br />Ordinance Committee desires to present the following amendments to revised ordinance #3P37, as
<br />revised by amendments presented on November 28th, as per report of Ordinance Committee dated
<br />November 25th. .
<br />SECTION 2 - Page 2, paragraph 3 - Delete after word "everything" the words "connected therewith
<br />at any time desired ". Add after word "everything ", "pertaining to Public Health during business
<br />hours."
<br />Paragraph 4 - Add after word "health ", "relating to Pbblic Health ".
<br />Page 3, Line 8 - `After word "Business ", add ''other than restaurants, which fee
<br />shall be $10.00 per year or any part thereof for eech separate place of business.
<br />Paregraph -5 - Delete after word "health ", "or any of his duly authorized egents ".
<br />SECTION 9 - Page. 9, Line 6 - After word "building" add "or vehicle ". Line 8 - After word
<br />"South Bend ", delete "Provided that this shall not apply to vehicles operated by persons lic-
<br />ensed and operating under city ordinance# except as hereinafter provided.
<br />SECTION 12 - Page 11, Line 9 - After "omitted", add "if dorrs or ".
<br />Line 10 - After -word "such ", add "doors or".
<br />SECTION 19 - Page 12 - -Delete words. "covered end ".
<br />SECTION 20 -Page 14, Line 8 - Add paragraph to end of Line 8 "Provided. that adequate number of
<br />qualified inspectors shall be provided for frequent inspection of all food establishments."
<br />SECTION 21 - Page 13, Line 3 - Delete "at all times ", add "during business hours ".
<br />SECTION 23 - Pare 14 - Delete "prepare al such drinks" and add "serve all milk" after word
<br />" shnll" on Line 3, and add after word "plpnt ", "end shall prepare all other milk drinks from
<br />tightly capped quart, pint or half -pint bottles of whole milk."
<br />SECTION 45 - To be amended as follows: "This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from
<br />and after its passage, approval by the Mayor, end legal publication," in lieu of previous word -
<br />ing.
<br />Publication of this ordinance is contemplated and has been tentatively arranged to be in
<br />(pamphlet form. 2000 copies of this ordinance are to be printed by P. local printing establish -
<br />ment, the printing establishment securing their compensation for printing by the sale of ad-
<br />vertising to vendors and others desiring advertisements in this booklet of ordinance affecting
<br />food establishments.
<br />We recommend the pessege of the above ordinance #3237 as hereby amended.
<br />Respectfully submitted,
<br />Ordinance committee
<br />Howard L. Chambers Chr.
<br />William Rasmussen
<br />Councilman Chambers moved that Ordinance #3237 go to the council favorably as amended, with
<br />amendments presented to the council on November 28th and December 12th. Councilmen Fish second -
<br />ed the motion.
<br />RECESS - 9 :15 P.M.
<br />