<br />of Cper Lions, to HFrry B. Roac -,, acting director, District one, relative to arprcvel of
<br />F 'WPA project for constrict ion of = n interceptor serer system for So_, th Bend, desi.jR7r -ted to,
<br />State application #304gq.
<br />It is the desire of this nd.ministretion th-t cork go forty ^rd on the Construction of the inter-
<br />ceptor system as quickly es possible under ;SPA auspices. This to be done in e.nticipation of
<br />the construction of sewF g -e dispose, ,dent.
<br />We propose to file application at once for n WPA sponsored project for constructi.or_ of a.
<br />sewage treatment plant, river cressi_rgs and pumping stations in order thrt the inte_ceptor
<br />sewer system be properly coordinated with the Entire sewage dispo&P1 r1-ant.
<br />We, therF:fore, believe it wa.zld be niost wise to proceed with the interceptor sewer system eat
<br />once.
<br />GWF /N
<br />Copy to sWPA
<br />South Bend, Indiana.
<br />John K Jennings
<br />StPte Administrator
<br />Honorable George -W.
<br />South ?end., Indiana
<br />Dear air. Freyerrruth:
<br />Yours very truly,
<br />Georg,�e W. I'rey°errouth
<br />1111 e y o r
<br />OF I ;DIAYNA
<br />1200 -02 Kentucky Ave
<br />India- r_rpol is, Indiana
<br />Freyer—:ath, Mlayor
<br />Tuovenber 22, 103,0
<br />S,a.bject: Stt:.te Application #304gq
<br />Improve the combined sewer system, by
<br />constructing; iriterceutor se 1ers
<br />South .Send, St. Joseph County
<br />In reply to your letter of November 17th, concerning the placing in operation of this project
<br />immedi €,t ely-, pre will oe unable to rauthorize such action Fs our regulations require that only
<br />such projects as pr ^pose the construction of useful econonic units mn-y be operated.
<br />As you undcabtedly know, the usefulness of the interceptors to be constructed under this
<br />project will be contingent upon the completion of the river crossings Fnd sew :nee disposal plant.
<br />In regard to the City of Seuth Send fi.lirg r project a.pplic - -tion with the Works Progress
<br />Administration to construct the river crossings and sewnzle tre := tcrient plant, this sill be ec-
<br />ceptnble, however, our r-egul.rtions prescribe that rroject e.pplice-ticnrs presented to us in re-
<br />place;nent of -Fpp7 icati.ons- filed with the Public v "corks Administr,�tion shall contain ps sponsor's
<br />contribution the same ?mom nt of funds Fs arere to be furnished. on the P.A.A. epplict -.ti on.
<br />Due to the fect thpt the conc-tructior_ of the river crossings and treat ! ent plant would require
<br />P lnrge number of skilled workers, we believe th. ^t the City of South Bend should nva.il`" *them-
<br />selves of the P.'W.A. grant if at ^11 possible,, rns it is very unlikely thnt the required number
<br />of skilled rorkers to successfully T;rosecute this chase of the work will be. =?v A1,*?ble from
<br />N.P.A. rolls. In the event such skilled labor wo.;ld not be a.vFilnble it would, of course, be
<br />neceGs :ry- for the sponsor to provide it.
<br />There F1Go is another very good reP)son for the 'Works Progress Admini.strntion not unde'rtnking
<br />the ccnstru.cti on of the river crossings bnd trertment plant in P.ddl,ition to the interceri-ors,
<br />w1Rich is thet the ccmbi.nFtion of this work ur�ald involve the employment of e Trrger number of
<br />works than would be nvrll_ ble to complete this work within F repsonnble length of time.
<br />We regret o:a.r ire bility to authorize - l.^cing of this project in operation until such time f�c
<br />e pre nssured thpt the relit ed work will be completed, n'nd assure you that this adrinietreti.on
<br />�ATili_ give you eny assistance possible tithin our regulations to assist in the complete develop -
<br />ment of the sewer t-rertment works end interceptor system.
<br />Yours truly,
<br />Reyrnond. L. Pike,
<br />Director
<br />Div isioxi of Cper.tion
<br />Ccuncilatan Chambers moved th-t said letters be. placed on file, i.n,= clexk's office. 00uncilfnan
<br />Fish seconded the motion. Lotion carried.
<br />Councilmnn. Fish moved to Fdjourn for Committee of the 4hole meeting. Council.r.,Pn Chambers
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. Specitl meeting adio-irned at F:20 P.M.
<br />Be, it remembered th=at the Common Council met in the Committee of the Whole in the Council
<br />Chz mbers of the City Hnil, "ednesd.ay eveninp�, 'November 23, 1���', at the hour of 8:22 P.i;%
<br />All membelTs were present except Councilmen James. Ch�!i.rm_.rn Go -tz rresided.
<br />Councilmen Chambers moved that sFid ordirence go to the council frvornbly, as read, Counci_lm?n
<br />Hull seconded the mot,-In.
<br />Counciln-:an Fish moved to amend the mot ioia before the council to di spprrcve the ord in- ;.ace for a
<br />bond issue of $617, ^00 for the construction of the Sewrge Disc owl Punt a.nd River Crops over
<br />under the P.N.A. 2nd thpt the Mayor m-ke sup-pTenentnl n?__plic,tior to the W.P.A. for
<br />the construction of the Sewae e Di.srosr l Plant and River crop-- overs e-rid that the '.`sycr ask for
<br />im !edi.Fte Approval of the W.P.A. intercepting sewers in order th- t our une o.plo.;ed be nbl_e to
<br />