<br />NOVEfirBER 14th, 1938
<br />Be it remembered thit the Common Council-met in the Committee of the Whole in the Council
<br />Chm
<br />abers of the City Hall, yiondPy evening, November 14th, 1.938, at the hour cf 7 :45 P. M.
<br />All members were present except Co-ncilrr.an dames. Chairman Goetz presided.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 3265
<br />An Ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance of Ia2,000,000 Sewage Works (Revenue)
<br />.Bonds of the City of South Bend, Indiana, for the purpose of defrrying the cost to said City
<br />of constructing a sewage treatment works for Laid City, prescribing the form of said bonds
<br />and providing for the collection an segregation and distribution of the revenues of the mnni-
<br />cipai sewerage system of said City for the purpose of sefegua.rding, protecting and p=aying said
<br />bonds.
<br />'Ir. Hunter stated that said emendments as read, were drafted by the attorneys of the bond
<br />companys.
<br />Councilman Chambers moved thpt said arr,endments as read be adorted. Councilman Hull seconded
<br />the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Chambers moved thet the following amend:r,ents be maid= in Section 10. In line 5 after
<br />the word feet, insert "of water used. ". In line � after the word feet, insert "AND over ".
<br />Delete line nine_. 4fte y the eighth line edd the following paragraph: "The quantity of aster
<br />obtained from scurses other th. ;an the public vvriter supply, if discharged into the -public sevrer?�xe
<br />system, may be determined by the City in such manner as the City may elect, and. the sewage treyt-
<br />ment service shall be billed at the above rates."
<br />Councilman Chrmber5 moved the doption of the following amendments of Section 10. Councilman
<br />Hull seconded the motion. 1Moticn carried.
<br />Councilman Chambers moved that said ordinanee go to the council favorably, as amended. Counci.l-
<br />man- Hall seconded the, motion.
<br />Councilman Chr,rnbers moved th?_t on page 6, Section 9, line 2, after the word directed, insert
<br />the following: "to determine the form of contr -act for the saleAof said bonds, erid to give at
<br />least two days notice of said sale by publishing one notice thereof in the South Bend Tribune
<br />and the South Bend News Times, both published in South Fend, Indi�nc�, fixing the time and
<br />place of receiving bids; said bonds shall be sold to the best bidder;" seconded by Councilman
<br />Hull, Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Chambers moved that the nc - -me of C. W. Cole be substituted for the name Moore. No
<br />second.
<br />Councilman Hull moved that Ordinance #3265 go to the Council favorably as amended. Councilman
<br />Fish seconded the motion.
<br />9.50 P. Y. - 10 minute recess.
<br />10 :00 P M. - continued
<br />1429 E. 'Ntyne Street
<br />South Bend., Indi pna
<br />November 12, 1938
<br />The Common Council of the City of South Bend,
<br />South Bend, Ind.
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />Because of the extreme importnnce of the ordinance before the Cony -tittee of the'Whole on Monday
<br />night I deeply ,regret th^+ it will. be impossible for me to attend the meet i.ngr because of r_;re-
<br />vious plans making it necessary for me to be away from South. Bend.
<br />If it were -possi.ble for me to vote by proxy on this ordinance my vote would. be nay.
<br />The reasons for my desire to have been able to cast a negative vote are:
<br />(1) The ordinance not only authorizes the issuance of entire sum of $2,00031000 in bonds but
<br />it also contracts for the actuel sale of All of the bonds. In other words, this is a FINAL
<br />action as far as the Council is concerned. With the passage of the ordin�.nce the Board of
<br />Public Works rnd Safety would. be obligated to complete the entire sewrge disposel plant by
<br />May 15, 1940 and have full authority and power to do so by whatever method they mry deem desir-
<br />able.
<br />(2) Because of the ;?uthorizPti.on granted the board of Public Works by this ordinance it is
<br />very probable that the W.P.A. grant which rill provide relief .employment for from 2F00 to 3000
<br />men this wi.ntex will be lost. It being my understanding thr_' the `N.P.A. is not making grants
<br />for proj sots for which financing r 1a.r�s have been trade by a local governmental unit.
<br />(3) The cost of construction of a sewage disposal plant for the city of South Bend under the
<br />ordinance submitted will p1r-ce a greater trx load, on the people; of the City than tny other
<br />m ®thod. of construction which has been proposed. The interest charges alone are about $1,000,000
<br />on P. pla nt the total cost of which is estimated at $2,500,000.
<br />(4) The prss2ge of this ordi..1ance has be -n re- presented to the Council as an extreme emergency
<br />If any energency does exist it is wit steps crn be taken to obtain the W.P.A. grant and
<br />provide ?possible employment for needy Oren during the wirter :months.
<br />Very t ruly yours,
<br />Names
<br />Accepted by the Council and ordered plrced on file.
<br />Council- ;[an Hull moved for roll call on motion thrt said ordinance go to the council favcrpbly
<br />r s amended.
<br />The roll c8.11 ne follows: Hull r nd Chambers - 2 €eyes. Goetz, bierwagen, Kerner, Fish, j.usmusse
<br />and Palicki.- 6 nrys. Notion lost
<br />