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MINUTES <br />Be it remember ®d th -t the Co,� on Council met in the Special Session in the Council Chambers <br />in the City Hall, November 1st, at the hour of 7:35 P. m. All members vrere present except Kerw <br />Cojneilr n Chambers. President Hull presided. <br />NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING <br />To the Members of the Common Council of the City of South Bend, St. Jor-�­.h Co nty, Indipna. <br />Notice is hereby given th-t a special meeting of the Common Council of the City of South Berri, <br />St. Joseph County, IndirnP- will be o <br />hg ld in the Council Chambers at the City HPIT tit 7:30 o'clock <br />P.V. on the lst dFy of November, 1030, for the nurnose of considering an offer of the United. <br />�ItF-tes of Americp to Pid by v°Py of P grrnt in f.innncing the construction of extensions end <br />J <br />mprovements to r, including 1,�boratory cnd other equipment, the acquisition of <br />necessary land Pnd rights of rFy Pnd the im- rrovemen +s of the site and salon_ tin.q e resolution <br />epiprovirgr end Puthorizing the acceptance of such offer. <br />Dated this lst dRy of November, 1030, <br />George W. Fre er:ruth <br />111 YOR <br />(SEAL) <br />CONSENT TO iviE?��TI1iG <br />Ne, the undersigned be ng all of'.the members of the Common Council of the 0-Lt-.y cf South Bend <br />St. Joseph County, IndiEna, hereby accept service of the foregoing notice, weiving any Pnd <br />all irregularities in such service and such notice, and consent and agree th�:t said Common <br />Council shall meet at the time and ,lece therein nemed, and for the purro�e therein stPtPd. <br />1�?x J. PAlicki . <br />Geo. W. Goetz <br />;dim. Bierwpgen <br />Hull <br />Fred. G. Kerner <br />_(Cha;mbers, out of town) <br />S. Jp.r,es WilliCm Rasmussen <br />Guy A . Fish <br />SPecjPl Call vrPs acdepted by the Co;ancil and ordered placed on file. <br />After discussion of the offer of the United Stites of Americ- to aid by wpy of prFnt in fin. c- <br />inF the eonstruetior of extensions and. improvements to a sewerFge ?rorks, including lPborr:tory <br />Pnd other mquipmerit, the Pcquisttlon .cf necessary 1Fnd a.nd. right: of wt y ^nd. the iTnrove�;en' s <br />of the site the fo? lowing Res^luticn was proposed by Geo. F. Hull Fnd recd in full: <br />R E R O L U T I 0 ;\T <br />A RESOLUTION ACCEPTTYG THE CFFER. OF THE T`NITET) STATES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEI,TD ST. JOSEPH <br />COUNTY, INDIANA TO AID BY WL AY OF GRANT IN FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF EXTEivSI6NS AND I7,KPROVF,* <br />*",7YN, TO AA SEWERAGE WORKS, TYCLUDIYG LABORATORY AND OTHER EQUIPMENT THE ACQUISITIOX OF NECESSARY <br />LAND AND RIGHT.,$ OF 'NAY AND THE Ii12PRCVD,. VENTS OF THE SITE. <br />Be it resolved by the Common Coungil_of the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Ind!. ^ne. <br />SECTION I That the offer of the United States of America to the City of South Bend.,* St. Joseph <br />County, Indi8lna. to cid by wpy of grant in financing the construction of extensions and improve- <br />ments to a sewerage works, Includitig la.borrtory and other equipment, the acquisitor of nec- <br />essaxy land and. rights of way end the i nprovert,ent s of tree site e copy of which offer reeds as <br />follows : <br />FEDERAL E°�ERGET�.CY AD MINISTRATION <br />OF PUELIC WORKS <br />City of South Bend, <br />St. Joseph Couthty, Indi, na <br />Routh Bend, Ind.iene. <br />$iashingtcn, D. 0. <br />Dated: Oct. 31, 1938 <br />Docket No. Ind., 1632-F <br />1. Subject to the Terms Pnd Conditions (PWA Form No. 230, Ps amended to the date of this <br />Offer), which Pre made a Part hereof, the United Stetes of America hereby offers to aid in <br />fir_anci_ng the construction of extensions and improvements to a sewer^,ge works, including lnb- <br />orrntory end other equipment, the Fcquisition of necessary land and rights of way end the im- <br />provements of the site (F11 herein called the "Project "), by rflnking e grFnt to the City of <br />South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indipna (herein cn].led the "Appli_cr±nt' +), in the rmount of 45 <br />percent of the cost of the Project upon completion, ^s determined by the Federal Emergency <br />Ad.ministrntor of Public `Nork;s (herein called the "Administrator "), but not to exceed, in tiny <br />event, the sum of 503,1?1. <br />2. By acceptance of this Offer the Applicant covenrnts to begin work on the Project rs <br />elr,rly Ps rcossible but in no event liter than F, weeks from the date of this Offe ° and to complete <br />such Project with all prFCticPble disp?tch, end in Pny event within 15 months from the commence- <br />ment of construction. <br />3. Notwi thstFndin_g tiny other provision of this Offer, or of the said. Terms and Cajaditions <br />the United States of Amer•icF shall be under no obligation to make =ny pFVment or payments on � <br />Pccount '°of the grpnt unless, prior to November 14, 193F,, the Applicant she 1]. h ;t ve e stFblished to <br />the se.tisfection of the Administrator• thet there will be completed contemporeneoutly with the <br />completion of the Project (or substantially so) P11 such sewers as are to be constructed to brin <br /> to the sPwaP-e treatment Trorks but Pre not included in the scope of the Project. <br />