This petition is circulated and filed under the provisions of Chapter 76 of the ,Acts of the
<br />Indiana General assembly far-the year 1913, and all laws amendatory thereof and sup Iemental
<br />thereto, pertiaularly Chapter 190 of the Acts of 1933, Chepter 293 of the Acts of 1 35, a.nd.
<br />Chapter 119 of the acts of.1937.
<br />We further petition the Common Council to order a special election on the above proposition at
<br />the earliest possible date es stipulated in Sectior_ lF of Chs_pter 190 of Indiana Acts of 1933,
<br />n.nd also when end if the above electric utility property is acquired by the city we request
<br />that the management and operation thereof be nlpced under an independent Utility Service -
<br />Board with Board of Trustees as set forth in Section 19 Chapter 190 of Ind.iena. Acts of 1933.
<br />( signers) `
<br />Councilmen Rasmussen moved that -said petitions be referred to the Ways & Means Committee and
<br />that they report back to the Committee• of the Whole. Councilman James seconded the motion.
<br />Notion carried.
<br />ORDI NANCE NO. 325
<br />An Ordinance epproprya ins the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) from the funds to
<br />be received from the Auditor of St. Joseph County under order of the Portage Township Trustee
<br />for funds to be supplied to assist the municipal City of South Bend in the sponsoring of pro -
<br />jects pursuent to en agreement filed with this body entered into by and between the Board of
<br />Public Works and Safety and the Portage Township Trustee and to be a fund known as the S!- ,ecial
<br />W. P. A. fund.
<br />The ordinance was given its third r.eadsng by title end pleced upon its passage and pe.ssdd by
<br />the f oll.�wing vote: Hull, Goetz., Biei:wegen, James, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen and
<br />Palicki-. 9 Eyes. 0 nays. Ordi:nan -ce adopted.
<br />ORDr,7ANCE NO.. 3260 Thousand -0ollers ($6 000.C)O) from the funds to be
<br />An Ordinance a pr pri.e�ing the sum of Six
<br />received from the Auditor-of St. Joseph County under order of the Township Trustee for
<br />funds to be supplied to assist the Municipa+.l City of South Bend in the sponsoring of projects
<br />pursuant to nn agreement filed with this.body entered into by �?nd between the Department of
<br />Public Parks end the Portage Township Trustee and to be a fund known as Account 4 712 A.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title and xalaced upon its passage and passed by
<br />the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Hierwage, James, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen and
<br />Pali.cki. 9 aye -. O nays. Ordinance adopted,
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 3261
<br />An Ordinance ;providing for speciel election to acquire electric
<br />The Ordinance was given its first re?ding by title, its seopnd
<br />Goetz moved. that said ordinance be referred to the Ways & Means
<br />Electric Company' and with the Board of Public Works at earliest
<br />Rasmussen seconded the motion_. Motion carried.
<br />local public utility property.
<br />reading in full. Councilmpm —i
<br />Committee to confer with the
<br />-possible de,te. Councilman
<br />R E S O L U T I O N
<br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana:
<br />That the llth''day of October 1�79, is the date in American History of the heroic death of
<br />Brigadier Genera Casimir Pulaski, who died from wounds received on October 9th, 1r79, at the
<br />siege of Savannah, Georgia; and
<br />WHEREAS, it is fitting. that the r ecurrin g anniversary of this day be commemore.ted with suit-
<br />able patriotic and Public exercices in observing and commemorating the heroic death of this
<br />great American Hero of. the Revolutionary War; thefefore be it
<br />RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the Gity of South Bend is authorized and directed to issue a
<br />proclamation celling upon people of the Government to display the fleg of the United States
<br />on all governmental buidings on October 11th, 1939-, and inviting the people of the City of
<br />South Bend to observe the day in schools and churches or other Suitable places, with approprini
<br />ceremonies in commemoration of the Death of General Casimir Pulsski.
<br />Councilman Chambers moved, said resolution be
<br />Motion carried.
<br />Geo. F. Hull'
<br />adopted. Councilman Goetz seconded the motion.
<br />1938
<br />193E
<br />Indianapolis In ia,na have s b—
<br />WHEREAS, PIERCE AND ASSOCIATES, Public Utility .Analysts of I�� ��� �
<br />witted and proposed an agreement to be entered into by the Board of Public orks of the ity
<br />of South Bend, Indiana, which proposed agreement is herewith attached end made a pert of
<br />this resolution.
<br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana., that
<br />the Board of Public Works of the City of South Bend, Indiane, be authorized and directed to
<br />execute and enter into said agreement for end on behelf of said City of South Bend, Indiana:
<br />Introduced by:
<br />Howard L. Chambers
<br />COUNC L:i N
<br />Pessed in Council, , 1938
<br />