<br />Be it remembered thpt the Common Council mt in the Regular Session in the Council Chambers
<br />in the City Hall, Mondpy evening, August 8th, at the hour of 7 :35 P. T °_. All members were
<br />"present except Councilmen Chambers. Pr= si_dent Hull presided. The reading of.the minutes were
<br />di.srenstd with on motion of Councilman Goetz,.seconded by Co-ancilmpn Fish. Motion carried.
<br />The Common Council,
<br />City of South Bend.
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />August 0, 1938
<br />Your _attention is called to the generpl administreti.ve budget for the year 1.938, which amounts.
<br />to $1,072,348.05, exclusive of $37,000for W. P. A. work. The same administrptive budget as
<br />submitted for 1439 enlls for $1,052,057.0`, which is $20,290.97 less than that for 1939.
<br />In regprd to the item for W.P.A. in the 1939 budget, we have been informed by the Governor and
<br />State Board of Tpx Commissioners that a sufficient amount must be provided to defrpy the- cost
<br />of the sponsor's shire of this work. The City E ;gineer has estimated this amount to be
<br />$250,000.00. This should be considered favorably by your honorable body as it provides for the
<br />most eeonomicP1 method of tE >king care of our unemployed, and at. the same time - furnishes them
<br />with cork thst prevents them from becoming; paupers.
<br />The Budget of epch department hps been gone over cE refully and the aggregate amount reduced so
<br />thpt it is $20,890.97 less than the lest budget. There is•a new item of $2500.00 in the Police
<br />Department to provide for new two -way rpdio equipment p nd to replace old. receiving sets now in
<br />use. This is, deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the_depprtment. You pre reminded
<br />-thpt the spme economy in the administration of this budget must be carried out as h,as been done
<br />with those of 1935, 1936, 1937 €end 1938-
<br />Your Attention is Plso d_rected to the fact thpt the net balance tvailnble for the'ensuinq yepr
<br />hps been successively reduced until it hps ultimptely been eliminated Pltogether. You Pre re-
<br />minded thpt the levy mpde last year, togF,ther with other Pnticipated receipts, did not furnish
<br />enough money to defrry the budget. • We* hpve letters from the State Tt x Bo ^rd showing thpt the
<br />Amount necessnry to make up this difference must be provided in the levy this dear, Ps the work-
<br />ing balance will not provide for it. The Governor of Indipna Pnd Mr. Jennings, state director
<br />of the W.P.A., and, other' officials have shown surprise Pt the lack of pn ndequ .te working bal-
<br />Pnce in our'Generrl Fund. They have questioned our ability to work out our finpncinl problems.
<br />with this handicp-o fpcin us constpntly. They heve also intimated that the, City of South Bend
<br />can not expect the Feder-PI dnd Mate governments to render effective 2 ssistpnce unless PrrPngen
<br />ments are made to carry our share of the load. An adequ ^te working brlence is necesspry to
<br />carry on the business of the City in Pn economical manner.
<br />I respectfully recommend that you give this budget your earnest considerption, with due regard
<br />to the welfare of the City.
<br />George W. Fre ermuth
<br />M -yor of South Ben
<br />C,cuncilmpn Goetz moved that s±id letter be placed on file. Councilman Fish seconded the motion.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />A letter wp.s rea:-d from Walter R. Arnold in re: Proposed Fireworks Prohibition resolution.
<br />Councilman Fish moved that said letter be nlFeed on file. Councilman Rasmussen seconded the
<br />motion. Yotion carried. *,
<br />A letter.was read from Governor Townsend in re: Proposed. Fireworks Prohibition resolution.
<br />Councilman Fish moved thpt spid letter be placed on file-, � %uncilw n:APalicki seconded the
<br />motion. Lotion carried.
<br />A letter wep read from August G. iiueller, Secretary of State in re: Proposed Fire?r-orks Prohibi-
<br />tion resolution. Cou.ncilmpn Kerner moved thrt c ^id letter be placed on file. Counci.Impn Rps-
<br />mussen seconded the motion. Lotion carried.
<br />pd
<br />A letter was re /from R. 0. Roys, chp'irmE n Resolution committee of Lbcal 65, U.R.W. A. in re:
<br />Proposed FireTorks Prohibition resolution. Councilman Fish moved thpt said letter be nl'-ced
<br />on file. Councilman Ra- smus sen second =d the motio.,. MMotion carried.
<br />A letter was rend from CaptPir_ Ray Ashworth.
<br />Councilman dames moved thet spid letter be placed ors file, end the report be referred to the
<br />Board.of Public storks and Safety. Councilman Fish seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilmen Jsmes moved thpt the Board. of Works Pnd. Safety consider report at the time of budget.
<br />C o:mcilmpn Fish seconded the motion. Motion c- cried. (clerk notify Board)
<br />Petition was read from Bendix Locel No. 9 U..A.W.A. in re: To lower the electric rpt-es in the
<br />City of South Bend.
<br />Councilmen R,- smussen moved thpt cpid be referred to the nys & Means Committee. Councilmen
<br />Kerner seconded the motion. Motion crrripd.
<br />Petition was read from Voters of South Bend in re: To lower the electric rpt-s in the City of
<br />South Bend.
<br />Councilm ^n Rasmussen _roved that spid. petition be referred to the Ways & .11e^ns Committee.
<br />Councilmr n Palicki seconded the motion. Motion. carried.
<br />Bplpnce on Hand first of m7nth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l,0 70,19.31
<br />Bplpnce on Hand. July 31 , 193 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IIJ 4, 7 4.02
<br />Respectfully submitted, Chas. F. Zill.mer, City Controller, Councilman Fish moved thPt s=lid
<br />be n1?ced on file. Councilman Pslicki seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />ORDINANCE N 23 53
<br />An Ordnance Amen ir_g ordirFnce #294F, changing the matter of fees provided in section 3 from
<br />twentzr -five dollpre per quprter period to twenty -five dollprs per annual period.
<br />The ordin=nce was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full. Councilman Goetz
<br />moved thpt sr id ordi__ance be referred to the Fees and Salaries Cocft - ittee, and that public hepr-
<br />ing be held on August 22nd. Councilmen Bierwnwen seconded the motion. Motion nprri oars
<br />