<br />JULY 18th, 193
<br />Be it remembered the-- the Common_ Council met in the 0 -ecial Session in the Council Chambers
<br />pf the City Hall, "ondz y eveiaing, July 19th, Pt the hour of 7:40 P. M. All members were 'present
<br />except Councilman. Jame_. President Hull presided.
<br />To the'. Members of the Cop,Mon Council
<br />of the City of South Bend, IrdiE:ne:
<br />OF
<br />You are -hereby notified the t under end by virtue of the Puth.ority by 1Fw vested in me as 1d6yor
<br />of the City of South Bend, of the State of Indi<na., a. special meeting of th@ CoT on Council: of
<br />spid City is hereby edied. to be held at the hour of 7:30 p'click P. k., or as soon thereafter
<br />Ps convenient, on Plondpy: evening July lath, 1933, in the Council Chambers in said city, for the
<br />purpose of considering the follow; nw to -wit:
<br />"An Ordinance ratifying, confirming and approving a certain contract and agreement
<br />made and. entered into by and between the City of South Bend, Indiana, by and through
<br />its Board of Public ":orkE rnd Safety and Northern Indian, Railway, Inc. and Raymond:
<br />R. Smith, Receiver of.Northern Indiana Railway, Inc., their successors and assigns,
<br />which said contract relates io the operation of vehicles, commonly known as motor
<br />busses, for the ?purpose of carrying passengers upon, over Cnd Flong certain streets
<br />and highways in seid. city."
<br />!'And further to consider the bi.idget estimates as submitted by department head^ for
<br />1939 needs, to assist the finance committee of council in i reppring s budget for year
<br />1939 for the MunicipFl City of South Bend and t )ae Park City of South Bead."
<br />Dated this lFth dry of July, 193F.
<br />0--u nt ers igned
<br />Mary B. L. Taylor
<br />City Clerk
<br />(SEAL)
<br />George W. Freyermuth
<br />1,!.pyor of the City of South Bend
<br />Indiana.
<br />The within call came to hand this l�-th.dpy of July, A. D., 1939, which I served by leeving a.
<br />certified copy thereof Pt the last and. usual place of resbi!nce of such members as I was unable
<br />to find, Fs follows:
<br />Airs., G. W. Goetz
<br />On July lFth, 1938
<br />Mrs. Geo.
<br />F. Hull
<br />On
<br />July
<br />lFth,
<br />1938
<br />Pnlicki
<br />Mfrs. R.. is.
<br />Yost
<br />On
<br />July
<br />lP.th,
<br />1933
<br />Howard L.
<br />Chambers
<br />Pefr. . puss .
<br />H. L. Chambers
<br />On
<br />July
<br />18th,
<br />1938
<br />Rasmussen
<br />Anne Osborne
<br />On
<br />July
<br />1P-th,
<br />1938
<br />Guy A. Fish On July 18th, 1938
<br />Wm. Bierwagen On July 18th, 193
<br />Wm. S. Jemes
<br />On July 18th, 193
<br />Virr. F. G. Kerner On July 19th, 1938
<br />Dated this 18th day of July, 1939_
<br />Ben Roberts and Brooks
<br />Member, South Bend Police Department
<br />Special Cpll wcr accented by the Council and ordered placed on file.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 3292
<br />An Ordinance ratifying, confirming Pnd approving F certr ;in contract and pgreemGnt made and enter
<br />ed into by and between the City of South Bend, Indiana, by and through its Hoard of Public ;Yorks
<br />pad. Safety and Northern IndPna Railway-, Inc. and Rnymond H. Smith, Receiver of Northern Indiana
<br />Railway, Inc., their successors Fnd assigns, which said contract relates to the operation of
<br />vehicles, commonly known PR motor busses, for the purpose of carrying pa.ssenPers upon, over Tong
<br />certain streets Fnd highwpy_s�,in spid city.
<br />The ordinF,r_ce was given its first reeding by title, its sec, d residing in full. Councilman Fish
<br />moved for suspension of rules, seconded by Councilman Chambers. Roll call for suspension of
<br />rules Ps follows: Hull, Goetz, Bierwegen, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen and Pt�a.licki. g .ayes
<br />0 nays. Councilman Fish moved to P-mend I nshington Street to read - Washington Avenue.. Council: an
<br />Goetz seconded the motion. motion eerri.ed.
<br />The Ordinance wt-s given its third reeding by title end we-s placed upon its passage end passed
<br />by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwpgen, Kernex°, Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen end Palicki.
<br />e eyes. 0 npys. Ordinance a dopted.
<br />There being no further business Councilman-Goetz moved to adjourn. Councilmen Fish seconded
<br />the motion.- Motion cprri6d. Council Pdjourned at F:OO P. M. -
<br />ATTEST:
<br />CLERK
<br />ES DENT
<br />