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07-11-38 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
07-11-38 Council Meeting Minutes
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47 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />MINUTES <br />JULY Llth, 1938 <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council met in the Regular Session in the-Council Chambers <br />in the City Hall, Vondey e vening,'July 11th, at the hour of 7 :30 P. M. All members were <br />present except Councilmen James and •Kerner. President Hull presided. The reading of the <br />minutes were dispensed with on motion of Councilman Fish, seconded by Councilman Blerwage <br />1 lotion carried. <br />COMMUNICATIONS: <br />8 resolution from the Internetionsl 'Norkers Order was rend urging the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend to take steps toward leasing or constructing electric plants And that they <br />submit this resolution to the voters at this coming election: <br />A resolution from the Unit4d Toy & Toy Furniture Workers Local Industrial Union No. 155, Wes <br />rend requesting the same as the Internationl Workers Order. <br />Also n petition hPving 64 signers mss reed requesting the same as above. <br />Councilmen Ch.embers moved that said. go to the Ways & deans Committee °rd that <br />they report back to the Council in September. Councilman Bier.vragen seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />Councilmen Fish moved that the above petition be placed on file. Councilm,� -n Rasmussen second- <br />ed the motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE CITY CONTROLLER OFT HE CITY OF SOUTH BEND FOR. THE MOLITH OF JUNE, 1938 <br />Balance on Hand first of month - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,115,540.83 <br />Balance on Hnnd June 30, 1938 $1,070,193.31 <br />Respectfully submitted, Chas. F. Zillmer, City Controller, Councilman Fish moved th-t said <br />report be accepted and placed on file. Councilmen Bie rwngen seconded. Motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION: <br />WHEREAS, the sale end /or use of fire -corks erch year causes injuries to many children and others, <br />even, in many instances, resulting in death rnd permanent maiming, and <br />WHEREAS, the passing of a city ordinance by municipalities would fail i prohibiting the use <br />of such fireworks by children erd others, i <br />THEREFORE, be it resolved that the 1939 session of the Indinn,�" Mete Legislature be memorialized <br />to rmss a 1pw prohibiting the sale And /or use or exploding 6f fireworks anywhere -rithin the <br />State of IndiFnr;, except properly factory supervised exhibits of fireworks under proper safe- <br />guards; end that copies'of this resolution be furnished to the Municipal Lengue of Indians, to <br />the Governor end Secretary of State, to Senator Walter R. Arnold, and that the City Clerk be re- <br />quested to furnish to each representative elected in November with e copy of this resolution. <br />Councilman Ch= embers moved that said resolution be adopted. <br />Motion carried. <br />COI "WUNI C AT I ON : <br />SOUTH SIDE POST. 272 <br />AMERICAN LEGION <br />820 +'Nest Indiana avenue <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Howerd L. Chambers <br />MEMBER OF COr,'!MON . COVNCI L <br />Councilman Fish seconded the motion. <br />WHEREAS The American Legion has always manifested en interest in child welfare and <br />WHEREAS The sale end discharge of' fireworks is dangerous to life end limb of children Pnd <br />the stile of these menances to children merely exploitb;:their imprudence and folly, <br />therefore be it <br />RESOLVED By South Side Post 272 of the AMERICAN LEGIOX that we r sk the City Council to enact <br />local ordinances end our Legislature to enact State statutes to abolish the s ^le <br />and discharge of fireworks except for supervised displays in cherge of competent <br />peu• sons. <br />Joseph Harvard, <br />Commander <br />Frank Hutter <br />_Adjutant <br />I <br />Roll Cell on the above resolution Ps follo-vs: Hull, GoF-tz, Fish, Chambers, Rasmus ^en end <br />Palicki.- 6 n,yes. Bierwagen - 1 nay. Resolution adopted. <br />received <br />A Communicetion was also �� from the River Park Post 303, The American Legion, urgin the <br />South Bend City Council to ppss nn ordinance nrohibitfng the :sale of firPworks in the City <br />of South Bend, except for municiTal exhibits. <br />There be no further business Counci bran Fish moved. to ?djourn. Councilman Bie rwp_ -en secord.- <br />•d the motioih. "lotion carried. Council adjourned at x:00 P. M. <br />ATTEST: <br />f�v <br />CLERK <br />APPROVED: <br />SIDENT <br />
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