<br />APRIL 4th, 1938
<br />Be it remembered thtt the Common Council met 1n the Cor:�mittee cf ±r,e hole YFetinR in the
<br />Council Ch•nmbers of the City Hall, 15onday evening, .? pril 4th, 193Q, at the hour of 7 :4F P. M.
<br />A11 members were rresent extent Councilman Palicki. Chei-rm ^n Goetz presided.
<br />Ri,P-,rj VILLAGE PAF:.K
<br />Father Sabo str ted. thrt tie Northwest corner of-the Oliver addition containing eight (.a) �cre-s
<br />could be riirchr- sed for $15,000.00, deed eeuld be gotten: rt once with no down payment. Payre n. ts
<br />could nrobby- be tkrn c ^re of Over a period of five (5) years.
<br />Co ncilman Jams moved thpt '-he Park Bo ,-rd - egotiate lviJ h the Oliver family for th:� purchase
<br />of the lend. The City- Attorney was asked to work with the Ptak Bo:-7-rd to Prevent my legal
<br />ent^nzle;r.ents.
<br />Councilman BierTrrgen. seconded the motion. Mo +i(an onrried.
<br />Couuncilman Chambers read the following resolution:
<br />R E S 0 L UTI O N
<br />WHEREAS the City Council hr- s been yeti- tioned to es,+.eblivh a Housing Autho Tity in So ?end .
<br />by the South Bend. IndustrI r 1. i.'r-i_on Council of C. I .0. , South Bend Worker's A l i":nce Loom
<br />#69, Local 4917 W.E.R. & V. W., Wo.rrOn's Consumers LFag.-ue, United Toil End Toy Furnitur- Workers
<br />L. I. 155, South Bend. Counc _1 of Fede -gated CYurch Women, Arnericen Associ ^t ion of University
<br />Women; finisteriel Association, Jourr_eymen's Berber� Locel #927, Bar Tender's Union I,oc =1
<br />#1,03 Locrl ;p144 TJ..A..W.A. intern�^tiorn.1 Worker's Order, Oliver Local 4167 Internrticr.Fl. Union
<br />of W, A. W. A., rnd the Women's Auxi11_i pry ;ru -11 Bendix LocE I #Q, and.
<br />WHEREAS the petitioners hFve ,presented to the City Council very vividly the suostindard livir_g
<br />conditions of the South Bend citizens on relief end in the verti lowest income group, and
<br />WHE 7AS, the City Council relieves that t1 e suo- standard living conditions of the South Bend
<br />citizens on relief rnk in the very- lowest income group should be improved, end
<br />WHER-AS,.the City Council has found, upon investigation of the sever< -1 Housing Authorities
<br />estrblished to date thpt families on direct relief end in the very lowest income group are
<br />riot being cared for, rnd
<br />WHEREAS, the existing St ^te law grrnts Housing Authorities, when estnblished, very wide rowers
<br />and little restraint; but gives no guarantee that estn'olished Housing Authorities mill provide
<br />for people on relief :end in the very. lowest income groin, an d.
<br />WHER7AS the City Council believes thryt private enterprise using the facilities offered by the
<br />Feder,-1 Houswnj;�-- Adnir.istration c ^n . --nd will take care of the housing reeds of =ell South Fiend
<br />citizens except those on relief r - -nd in the very lowest income group.
<br />THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED thpt the petititons be tabled znd thFt the gt~te LevisIrture be
<br />memor.pli.zed to revise the ®xisting 1pw in order to guarantee the correction of holxsng condi-
<br />tions of citizens on relief Pnd in the very lowest income group.
<br />Councilmen Chambers moved that the s ^id
<br />motion_. 'Votion cerried.
<br />COMMUN I C AT I OV S :
<br />The Common Council
<br />City of South Bend
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />Geo . F. Full
<br />Wai . iii erwagen
<br />Dr. 1,1ex J. Ppl_icki
<br />Willi?m Rpmussen
<br />Geo. W. Goetz
<br />Fred G. Kerner
<br />Guy A. Fib
<br />Wm. S. James
<br />Hovr)-;rd L. Chambers
<br />resolution be adopted. Councilman Hull
<br />C I T Y O F S 0 U T H b E N D I N D I A R A
<br />April 4, 1938
<br />seconded the
<br />I hive befoYe me contemfilPted projects furnished by the works Prop -reps Administr ti.on which
<br />Pre an enlFr @7ement of rrojects now in operption. This project, in. r,,ddtion to work on gravel
<br />streets End brick turning-, includec resurf. cing ell ^Gphalt streets th ^t require extensive
<br />re?meirs. It is repyretted thpt nn .-snhelt plant wes not rrovided ?s requested by the 1f,^yor
<br />some time PC o. This --ould be of erect help Pt this time es it wil -1 be imroesible to repair
<br />asphalt streets rt r low cost without such c plant. In former years there= were three privately
<br />owned nlFnts '.n South Bend, cnd. without these slants it is necessary to provide a city owned
<br />plant. While the nr.;v^te rl .,nts were in operation it was possible to rurehnse rendv mixed
<br />^sphpl-t rs n re^sonpble cost, but to ship same to the city from otheJ r ;lent,- mYkes the cost
<br />very high,. and provides 1�=bor for others insteF-d of our orn citizens. It is believed thati t
<br />would b_e un-ripe to ctternpt to resurface Fsphalt streets until such c rlant is rrovided, which
<br />I trust von Trill tike i-n ±o consideration ? =hen the next budget is r _eared. The rroject ct
<br />iced covers work for three veers cad will cost the City about 1879f,3 'I-m, or creund. $130=,00.00
<br />per ye^ r,
<br />I wish to call your rttention to the frct that ell our pcved s ±reels ware=, or ?re being,
<br />paid for by the prop; -p; owners. Some hrve r.2id. for ',c -riany as three new ppvements. These
<br />