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03-07-38 Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
03-07-38 Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
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12 <br />CO.MMITTET OF THE WHOLE MEETT G MARCH kith, 1939 <br />MINUTES <br />Be it remembered that the.Common Council met in the Committee of the Whole meet`.ng in the Counci: <br />Chambers of the City Hall, Monday evening March th, at the hour of 15:35 P. M. All members <br />were present. Cheirmen Goetz presided., <br />Councilman Chnmber.s re-d the following report from the Housing Committee: <br />March 7th, 1939 <br />Members of the Common Council <br />South Bend, Indian, <br />Gentlemen <br />Your committee on low c ^st housing, appointed by the president of the council rs result of <br />resolution introduced by the mayor requesting ruthority for the appointment of a. housing ruthor- <br />i-ty, pursuant to the Acts of 1937 Chapter 207, Section 4, respectfully submit the follow'ng <br />report for your considerrtion: <br />Where2s there are now looted in the city of South Bend severer hundred available vrcant resid- <br />ences, all in a reason -rble strte of repair and at rents from $12.50 to $30.00 per month, m^ny <br />of which houses are modern in facilities: and <br />Whereas, recent amendments of .the Feder - =1 Housing Act by the United St ;F.tes Congress permit in- <br />dividuals desiring to erect homes, to borrow from rprroved lending institutions up to 90fo of the <br />appraised vrlue of the completed residence, including the value of the'lof, if the total is <br />$6,000.00 or.less; and <br />Wherers, this Peme not provides for the borrowing up to �Ofo of the total appraised vrlue of com- <br />pleted proj.ect. by i•ndividurls rnd /or corrporrti „or,s for building of homes for sale or for rent; en <br />Whereas, it is the belief of this committee that as soon as employment in our local industries <br />improve, thrt 7- rivrte capital anal. individuals orning lots will nvs.i,l themselves of the insured. <br />mortgage plan of finrncing, set up under the Amended Federal Housing Administrz�tiion'Act; and <br />Wherers, in the opinion of the committee, there is no substrntial e.mcunt of unsanitary rand crowd <br />ed housinv- condition in South Bend (except where such crowding is due to voluntary doubling up <br />due to rx esent wide sprerd unem?)loyment) ; and. <br />Whereas, the epprovrl by the Common Council of the Pppointment by the fn ^.y or of a housing r.uthari <br />ty would result, in the opinion of the committee, in the furnishing of funds for the first year' <br />ad.ministrrtive expenses;and <br />Where ^s, such housing ruthority would be unrble to obtain finances from the United States Housing <br />Authority without first hiving furnished an equity in the form of cash, bonds and./or lend equal <br />to 1CA of my proposed project, plus rn oblig ^tion to subsidize the difference between the ex- <br />pected rentrl income and the tot,- =1 cost of maintenance, and emortizration of the proposes slum <br />clenrrnce profec't; <br />It is the belief of this committee that there is at this time no need of the ore tir_g of a, hous- <br />ing authority. Therefore, your committee respectfully recom:�lends thrt a determination be mr de <br />by the Common Council that there is no need at this time of ^ crention of e housing authority foi <br />the city of South Bend. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />William Rasmussen' <br />Fred G. Kerner <br />Howard L. Chambers, Ch €.irm °.n <br />Councilman Chambers moved thrt�- the?:resolution cresting &:Housing Commission at this time be <br />tabled.. -Councilman Bierw- -gen seconded the motion. <br />Rev. B1 ley spoke in favor of r housing commission. <br />A representative from the South Bend Industr•ir.l Housing Committee (O.I.C.) spoke in fr:vor of a <br />housing commission. <br />Stste C.I.O. -representative spoke in favor of a housing commibsio,n. <br />Councilman Jemes moved to amend Councilman Chambers' motion that the resolution creating a hous- <br />ing co- mission rat this time, be referred to the City P1en Commission for of pro - <br />b ^ble cost and rentrl of F. H. A. end the suitable number of houses needed. Councilman Palicki <br />seconded the motion. PSotion carried.. <br />Chrirmbn Goetz announced thrt Ordin.rnce #3246 will be taken up on March 14th. <br />Councilman -Hull moved to adjourn. Counci.lmrr. Kerner seconded the motion. giotion ea.rried. <br />Committee of the Whole meeting adjourned at 11 :30 Y. M. <br />APPROVED: <br />ATTEST: <br />CHAIRMAN <br />•C L ERK s <br />
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