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�. <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING <br />MINUTES <br />AUGUST 2nd, 1937 <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the -City of South Bend, Indiene, met in the <br />Committee of the Whole in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Mondey evening, August 2, 1937, <br />a't the hour of 7:40 P. M. All members were present except Councilmen Goetz, Bierwagen and <br />Palicki. Councilmen Rasmussen moved that Councilman Hull act as chairman, uncilmnn Goetz <br />being absent because of illness. Couf.cilmen Kerner seconded the motion. Motion ctrrked. <br />COUNCILMAN HULL GAVE THE REPORT OF THE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE ON THE PLUMBING CODE NUMBER 3208 <br />Change msdb by the Boerd of Health.were read by Councilman Hull. Also include resolution as to <br />the distributi! -n of 2000 copies in rhamphlet form, which reads as follows: "This ordinance shall <br />be in full force and effect front and after its passae -e, printing and distribution of 2,000 copief <br />in p?mphlet form, hereof, without any cost to the City and approval by the Mp yor." <br />Councilman. Hull reported said ordinance be reported favorably as amended to the Ccm. of the Whole <br />ORDINATTCE #3221 <br />An Ordinance to license nndd establish regulations for those engaged in promoting automobile <br />racing within the City of South Bend, Ir_diena. <br />Councilman Kerner moved. that said ordinance go to the Council favorably. Councilman Rasmussen <br />seconded the motion. <br />Councilman Chambers moved to amend Councilmen Kerner's motion by adding after the word insurance <br />on line 4, Section IV "of not less than $5000.00 per individual or a total of not less than <br />$100,000.00 per accident." And also add efter the word Indians -on line 9, Section IV "With a <br />paid in capital stock of not less than e million. dollars." Councilmen Kerner seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />Councilman James moved that damages can only be collected for damage to property end injury to <br />spectators. <br />. <br />Councilman Janes moved to emend motion to read"for demeges to property of or injury to any spec-11 <br />tstor occurring ns n result of such rAces." Councilman Fish seconded the motion: Motion cerrie . <br />Council agreed to accept ordinance as emended end that said go to the Council favorably as <br />amended. Motion carried. <br />REPORT FROM THE FEES AND SALARIES COMMITTEE ' <br />Councilmen Chambers read said report. <br />Councilmen Chambers moved that said ord.inence #3220, go tb -.:the council fFvora:bly as recommended <br />by the fees and sala2ies committee. Councilmen Kerner seconded the motion. <br />Councilmen Je?mes moved that said ordinance go to the Finance Committee and that it be taken up <br />at budget time. Councilman Fish seconded the motion. <br />Councilman Chambers suggested that if we cannot teke it -.;.p now to set an early date for the <br />hearing. <br />Councilmpn James reported that the Finence Committee has already set a hearing for the biidget. <br />The followinp- spoke cn• behalf of the Policemen, Firemen and Electrical employes increase: <br />Mr. Butler - ',fir. Campbell <br />Mr. Wygant 14r. Poneder <br />Mr. Younger <br />Mr. Bishop <br />C ^uncilman Chambers moved for a roll call on Councilman Jemes' motion•(thst said, ordinance # <br />3220 be referred to the Finence Committee end be taken up-at budget time. 2 eyes end 4 neys. <br />Hull, Kerner,,Cha.mbers end Rasmussen - .4 nays. James end Fish - 2 a_ies; LOST. <br />Councilman Chambers moved for a roll cell.on Councilman Chambers' motion (th?t said ordinance <br />#3220 go to the council fevorably. 4 syg-G end. 2 neys. Hull, Kerner,•Chembers and Rasmussen <br />- 4 Ayes. James end. Fish - 2 neys.- Ordinance #3220 goes to the Cou ricil favorably. <br />There`,bei:ng no further business, Councilman Chambers moved to edjourn: Cou nci7men Fish seconded <br />the motion. 11rotion carried. Committee of the Whole adjourned at 8:45 P. M. <br />ATTEST, <br />APPROVED:- <br />CHAIRMIAN <br />