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05-24-37 Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
05-24-37 Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
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480 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING <br />MINUTES. <br />MAY 24th, 1937 <br />Be it remembered that the Common_ Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the <br />Committee of the Whole in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Monday evening, May 24th, 1937, <br />at the hour of 7 :40 P. M. All members were present. Chairman Goetz presided. <br />COUNCILMAN HULL GAVE THE REPORT OF THE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE ON THE PLUMBING _CODE NUMBER 3209. <br />Councilmen Chambers moved that the following words in section 42 be deleted (extra heavy cast <br />irony. Councilman Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Councilman James amends Councilmen Chambe=rs motion that the following words in- section 42 ;•e <br />deleted (extra. heavy cast iron which shall not be less than five inches internal diameter, tend) <br />also (This section beginning "The term house sewer" applies to new construction only.) Council- <br />man Fish seconds the motion. Councilman Chambers accepts Councilman James' motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />Councilman Chambers moved that the following words in section 69 be deleted (extre.heavy cast <br />iron). Councilman Hull seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Councilmen Chambers moved that the following; correction be section 119 line 6 tQ read <br />as follows: (wrought4..iron, brass, copper, or cast iron covered with a asphaltum varnish in <br />accordance with the specifications of the American Water Works Association.) Councilman Hull <br />seconded the motion.. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Chambers moved at Mr. Schwertley's suggestion that amendment in sectt6n 85;-_:read 6� <br />follows: (Each cellar or'srea drain shall be provided with a deep seal trap, inlet and clean <br />out opening-in full view, flush with the floor i.e. the trap must contain at least a 4 -inch water <br />seal and be constructed on the contginuous pipe trap principle, the.trap seal is indicated <br />the height-,'6f the water column measured between the overflow and the tip separating nd <br />outlet arms of the trap.) <br />After discussion correction was accepted. <br />Councilman Chambers moved that in section 3 line 2 a. comma be put between the word (school) and <br />(theatre). <br />Mr. Hunter moved that Councilman Chambers draw up a Resolution in regard to the publication of <br />ordinance tend have on file at City Clerks office and also the Health Department. <br />Councilman Chembers moved that section 166 read as follows: (This ordinance shall be in full <br />force and effect from and after its passage, printing and distribution. of 2,000 copies in <br />pamphlet form, hereof, without ery cott to the city, and approval by the Mayor.) <br />Councilman James moved that this ordinance be postponed until such time that each member be <br />given a copy of the exhi.sting ordinance end its amendments. Councilmen Fish seconded the motion, <br />Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE #3219 <br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Seventeen Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1750.00) from the <br />General Fund.of- the City-of South Bend to the Electrical Department, Onei Thousand Dollars <br />41,000.00) of same being for installation of new traffic lights on North Michigan at Angella <br />end North Shore Drive, and Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) being for salaries for vaca.tio of <br />of Electricel Employees. <br />Al <br />Councilmen Chambers moved that said ordinance go to the Council favorably. Councilman Hull <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE #3209 <br />An ordinance amending Section 41 of Ordinance #3146 with reference to the schedule of <br />parking on the paved streets of the City of South Bend to prohibit the parking of cars on the <br />paved streets of the City of South Bend between two (2:00) and five (5:00). <br />Councilman Chambers moved the the word (paved) be inserted before the word (streets) and that <br />the word (between) be used instead of the following words;(.et all times durin ) Also that <br />the hours (one (1:00) to five (5:00 ) be changed to (two (2;00) to five (5:00 AM. except on <br />Sunday mornings and Monday mornings. Councilmen James seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Three minutes recess: 10:22 P. M. <br />Continued 10 :26 P. M. - Councilmen Chambers moved that said ordinance go to the Council favorably <br />as amended. Councilman James (seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />There being no further business, Councilman Kerner moved to adjourn. Councilman James seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried. Committee of the Whole adjourned at 10:28 -1'. M. <br />ATTEST: APPROVED: <br />CLERK / CHAIRMAN <br />
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