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04-12-37 Council Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
04-12-37 Council Meeting Minutes
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City Council - City Clerk
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Council Mtg Minutes
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TO THE COMMON COTTIICIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDiATIA: <br />1'he undersigned be i_nv the sole owner cf the following ,:iescribed re,-1 estate located <br />it the City of Sou +h Bend, St. Joseph Co,�nty, State of Indiana, to -wit: <br />I . <br />Lot No. Twenty (2.0) in. H. Cush in.g's Addition <br />to the City of South Bend, Indiana, except forty <br />(40) feet off of the North end thereof, <br />hereby respectfully petitions that said prolpesty be re -zoned from Class B residential use and <br />Class A. Height and. ?area to Class C Co ,riercipl use and C12ss D. Height and Aree . <br />It is the desire of the undersi.gned that a filling station be erected on said property <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned has set her hand this 30 day of March, 1937. <br />X Mrs. Louisa Walbridp_e <br />ST 4 E OF Alebeme <br />COMITY OF B^ldwin <br />11 <br />Before me the undersigned Notary Public in nrd for said county and state perscnnlly <br />appevred the above named person end acknowledge: her signEture for the intentions and purposes <br />contained and set out in the ^ bove foregoing petition this 34 day of March 1Q37. <br />Claud Peteet <br />Notsry Public <br />B,nl drip County, Ala . <br />My commission expires <br />11y . cor.missior. Fxnires Oct. i_l. , 1 939 <br />(seal) <br />Councilman Goetz moved that eai� netitien be referred to the Zoning Ccir;missior. Ccunci'►_m ^n <br />Kerner seconded the motion. t'iction carried. <br />The Street Commissioners report inns r.e ;Fa. <br />The rpp.7rt wns nocepted by the Council and ordered to be placed on file. Motion carried. <br />Councilmen Hull reported on the "Resolution directing the Boe,rd. of Public health and the <br />Boerd of Public Safety.of the QIty of South Bend to make certain transfers of money and pro- <br />perty under certain contingencies hereinefier set forth," and that the Bo ?rd of Public Safety <br />use their own judgment. (In regard to the new car for the Health Department) <br />Mr. IRooFnaw wxrinined the control of smoke nr�d the ordinance covering the smoke nuisance. Mr. <br />Goetz moved that time be given to study the situetion as it noon exists and th t the build.ina <br />department and newepnpers do some educational work helping the public to understand the rnetrods <br />of smoke control. <br />OR.DTNANCE NO. _ '3208 <br />An Ordin -race revising, nrnendirv, restating ^rd codifying ell existing ordinances with re- <br />ference to a nlurribing code for the City of South Bend, Indirre, and providing for ^,11 natters <br />concerning plumbing build irq ge rnd building vent ilet ing and water supply arid. gn s piping <br />insofar es they effect the rlumbi_ng and bui.l.ding dreinYge end sanitation in all bui ?rags er- <br />ected or to be erected in the City. of South Eend, Indi -na, and establishing ah' board., <br />P chief pl.umbi't�g inspector end deputies end pleci:ng all under the jurisdiction of the i;oar_d. Of <br />the board of Public Health of the City of South Bend. <br />The ordnance war, given it first reeding: ny title. Councilmar. Chambers moved that the <br />second reading be= disren,sed with ^t the present time, and that it be referred. to the Ordi.rence <br />Committee and that they report to the Committee of the Whole at the next meeting. Councilman <br />Goetz moved that it be referred. to t'he Ordinance Committee and that they bring in a report at <br />their e ^rliest rossible convenience. Councilmeir. Rrmussen seconded the motion. 'Moti ^n csrri�ed. <br />RE80LUTTON OF COMMON COUNCIL <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council ei the City of South Bend, Indiana, that: <br />WHEREAS) Kermit Hindel, nn employee of the City of South Bend was killed while on <br />e:ctive duty for the CJh street Depnrtn�ent, and <br />WHEREAS) spid Kermit Hindel had been a faithful and trustful employee of said nenprt- <br />mer_t for severel years, and <br />WHEREAS, in the depth of said Kermit Hindel said City will lose a trueted end valuable <br />erc.plcyee. <br />It is the sense of this body-, ,�,,:c this Council does resolve that an expression of <br />sympathy be extended to the family trd friends of said Kermit Hindel, and the Clerk is hereby <br />instructed to seed r copy of these .resolutions to the widow, Mrs. Velma Hindel, L nd. sprez d a. <br />copy of same on the records of this body. <br />vvyr,. S. James <br />EMBER <br />Copy of same was Gent to Mrs. Velma Hindel. <br />There beinw no further business, Cnuncilm -n Bierwegen adjourn. Councilman Rasmussen <br />seconded the_ notion. ?Motion carried. Council adjourned at 8:55 P. M. <br />ATTEST: APPROV D; <br />l <br />CLERK PRE SI NT <br />
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