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5 <br />The Mayor and the Board of Public Works have thoroughly studied the existing conditions and <br />the necessity of a sewage disposal plant for the City of South Bend. They have reached the con- <br />clusion that while the present conditions of the river is not shown to be serious to the health <br />of the city, it is entirely possible and probable thst a serious condition may arise if the <br />river is not cleaned up. For your information, we have forty -three trunk sewers emptying into <br />the river betweet Logan Street on the east'and Angella Avenue on the northwest. This makes <br />the river between these points the most polluted of any section, where it should be in the best <br />condition instead cf the worst. It is relieved that in the near future the city will be forced <br />to clean the river running through the city. <br />The Mayor and the Board of Public Works find that the sentiment towards buildings a sewage dis8 <br />posal plant has changed greatly during the past eighteen months. Contractors Inform us that <br />the cost of construction in connection with PWA grants has been lowered considerably in the past <br />two years. The contrectors are now more familiar with the requirement of the Federal Govern- <br />ment, and the government has made changes in its syAtem that are more understandable with the <br />result that such work now done with the aid of PWA costs about the same as if done by private <br />contract. A sewaoe'dispoeal plant built with Federal aid, the government paying 45% of the <br />total, will cost the City $1,263,900.00. <br />We believe that it is for the best interests of the city that a sewage disposal plant be built <br />at this time in connection with the PWA. With this in mind the Board of Public Works consider- <br />ed the employing of an engineer to prepare tentative plans so that the project could. be proper- <br />ly placed before the officials of the VWA. The city records show that in 1930 an engineering <br />firm was employed to make a survey of our district to ascertain the conditions of the river <br />and. its ability to carry off our sewage, and. to recommend what shoudl be done to improve the <br />conditions found to exist. The firm of Burns Find McDonnell made an extensive report in 1931 <br />which brought out the necessity 'of a sewage disposal plant for the city, and a. second compre <br />hensiv,e :report bringing the engineering date to date and in shape to file with the P,,WA offic- <br />ials has just been received. It is the opinion of the Board and the Mayor that the City of <br />South Bend is under obligations to employ this firm to prepare plans and specifications and <br />present same to the PWA. <br />In checking back it is found that Mayor Charles Goetz employed Burns and McDonnell to'make <br />surveys and do engineering work in connection,with our weter system. They ware also employed <br />by the Seebirt, Montgomery and Hinkle administrations for general engineering work. This firm <br />has proven itself over a period of years to be entirely reliable and has built over two hundred <br />sewage disposal plants in cities and towns of many states. We believe that a project of this <br />magnitude should have the best engineering ability obtainable, and it is for the best interests <br />of the city to provide same. <br />With this in mind the Board of Public Works has employed the firm of Burns and McDonnell to <br />prepare plans and specifications for 8 disposal plant to be built for the city in connection <br />with the PWA. A contract has been signed with them subject of course, to the approval of the <br />Common Council. <br />The Mayor recommends that a committee be appointed to go over the plans and contract with the <br />view of approving the project and making formal and proper a aplicstion for a. PWA grant for the <br />construction of Fa sewage disposal plant for the City of South Bend, and that preparations be <br />made for the-issuance of revenue bonds to finance the sponsor's share of the cost. <br />Respectfully • sAmiited, <br />George W. Freyermuih <br />Mayor of South Bend. <br />GWF;W <br />Mayor Freyermuth reed said report. <br />Councilman Chambers moved that the Mayor and Board of works be commended for their forwardness <br />in the sewerage disposal plant problem. <br />Councilmen Hull moved that this communication be referred to the Special. Committee consisting <br />of Councilmen Bierwagen, Councilman James and. Councilman Goetz. <br />Councilmen James, Chairman of Special Committee, read report and list of names chosen for com- <br />mittee to study sewerage disposal plant. <br />Councilman Chambers moved that the list of names that were recommended ty <br />the Special Committee be confirmed. <br />a <br />Coincilma.n Hull moved that the City Clerk.write /letter to each name on the list, inviting them <br />to attend an organization meeting where this matter will be explained. <br />Councilman Goetz moved that March 3rd be set for the meeting date, time, 7:30 P. M., and in the <br />Council Chambers. Councilman James seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />also <br />Councilman Goetz moved that the Mayor, Board of Public Works and the City Attorney /be present <br />at organization meeting. <br />The Mayor's message on the annual reports of the year 1936 was placed on file. <br />There, being no further business, Councilman Goetz moved to adjourn. Councilmen Rasmussen <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. Council adjourned at 8:50 P. M. <br />ATTEST: APPROVED: <br />n � <br />CLERK DEI�5/ <br />n <br />U <br />• <br />• <br />U <br />*I <br />